
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Minooka Board of Trustees met May 23

Village of Minooka Board of Trustees met May 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President, Ric Offerman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustees present: Gabriela Martinez, Barry Thompson, Dennis Martin, Ray Mason, and Robin White. Also present: Dan Duffy-Village Administrator, Ryan Anderson-Superintendent of Public Works, , Village Engineer- Sean Kelly and Village Clerk-Orsola Evola.

Public Forum

Proclamation for National Boating Week

Proclamation for Grundy County Historical Society

Mayor Offerman read the proclamations. No other public comments.

Changes to Agenda-none

Review of the Village Board meeting minutes from April 25, 2023

Trustee White moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve the minutes from April 25, 2023 Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson

Nays: none

Present: Mason

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Review of the Village Board meeting minutes from May 2, 2023

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve the minutes from May 2, 2023 Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Bills and Transfers

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Bills and Transfers Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Bills and Transfers Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Resolution 2023R-3495 approving change order #2 and #3 for I-80 north utility line extensions (deduct, -$11,699.14)

Resolution 2023R-3496 approving pay request #2 partial I-80 North Utilities Extension-$1,051,533.55

Resolution 2023R-3497 authorizing the Village Manager to enter into contract for the purchase of electricity from the lowest cost electricity provider (NIMEC)

Resolution 2023R-3498 approving Alliant Business Insurance Renewal

Resolution 2023R-3499approving Annual Grundy County Animal Control Contract -$6,146.00 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items as presented.

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Unfinished Business-none

New Business

Resolution approving Aux Sable Springs Park Native Vegetation Maintenance 2023 -$18,600 Trustee White moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3500 approving Aux Sable Springs Park Native Vegetation Maintenance

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving purchase of 5 street light poles with dual luminaires- $36,395 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3501 approving purchase of 5 street light poles with dual luminaires

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving purchase of influent sampler replacement at WWTP- $10,689.35 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3502 approving purchase of influent sampler replacement at WWTP

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving Purchase of master SCADA panel upgrade at public works building -$31,000 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3503 approving purchase of master SCADA panel upgrade at public works building

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving Purchase of mixer and SCADA control box for tower 3- $15,094 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3504 approving the purchase of mixer and SCADA control box for tower 3

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving Purchase of 8 LED street signs -$19,840

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3505 approving purchase of 8 LED street signs

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Certain Personal Property that is no Longer Necessary or Useful for the Village’s Public Purposes

Trustee White moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 2023-21 authorizing the sale and disposal of certain personal property

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving purchase for a 2030A John Deere ProGator-$35,296.68 Trustee White moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3506 approving purchase for a 2030A John Deere ProGator

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving purchase for a 2023 Kubota Diesel Zero turn mower-$12,187.50 Trustee Martin moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3507 approving purchase for a 2023 Kubota Diesel Zero turn mower

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Grant of License (Ninovan Lake Estate Homeowners Association Monument Sign)

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3508 authorizing the Execution of a Grant of License

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

An Ordinance Amending Title 3 (Business Regulations), Chapter 4 (Liquor Control) of the Minooka Village Code of Ordinances

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 2023-22 amending title 3, chapter 4

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving IGA with Will and Grundy County for McEvilly Road

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3509 approving IGA with Will and Grundy County for McEvilly Road

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution for purchase of the Land Pride AFM4214 finishing mower from McCullough Implement, Watseka, IL -$18,539

Trustee White moved, Trustee Martin seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3510 approving purchase of the Land Pride finishing mower

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution approving contract between village of Minooka and Motorola solutions for the purchase of

Body Worn Cameras and In-Car dashcams

Trustee Martinez moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3511 approving contract between Village of Minooka and Motorola solutions for the purchase of body wrn cameras and in car dashcams

Trustee Martin wanted to note that this was an unfunded mandate.

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Resolution for IMRF Notice of Appointment of Authorized Agent (interim agent) Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3512 for the appointment of an authorized agent

Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

A Resolution Rejecting All Bids for the Repair and Repainting of Village-Owned the Barn at 25900 McEvilly Road

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2023R-3513 rejecting all bids for the repair and repainting of the Village owned barn at 25900 McEvilly Road Ayes: White, Martinez, Martin, Thompson, Mason

Nays: none

Absent: Houchens

Motion carried.

Liquor Commission Report-none

Annexation Committee Report- none

Executive Session-none

Action from Executive Session

As Appropriate- Mr. Duffy mentioned there will be an Annexation meeting next week either on June 7 or 8. Steve Thornton’s last day is June 9, and we will be having a cookout at noon. Mr. Duffy also mentioned the Memorial Day Parade this upcoming weekend. Chief Meyer wanted to thank everyone for coming to support them for Cop on Top at Dunkin Donuts.

Adjournment-Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to adjourn meeting at 6:54 p.m. All Ayes.
