
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Dix Village Board met May 23

Village of Dix Village Board met May 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Dix Village Board met for a special board meeting on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, at the Dix Village Hall. Village President, Kurt Karcher, called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. 

Roll Call: 

Trustees Present: Judy Bronson, Whitney Lipps, Tiffany Gentles, David Barron, James Burris 

Trustees Absent: 

Officers Present: Village President - Kurt Karcher, Village Clerk, Village Clerk - Brandy Mount 

Officers Absent: Village Treasurer - Sharon Bean 

Business Items: 

• Item #1: Approve bid for E. Lincoln Ditch Clean Up 

A motion to accept the bid from Connaway Excavating for $2,500 to dig the ditch out, and another $2,000 to haul the dirt out was made by Whitney Lipps. A second to the motion was made by Tiffany Gentles. 

Motion Carried: 4-1 

• Item #2: Discuss and Prioritize Additional Projects to Budget for Upcoming Fiscal Years. 

No Motion Required 

• Item # 3: Miscellaneous 

Kurt Karcher: ARPA committee meet last week, explain the Village of Dix did not handle water repairs. 

No Motion Required: 

• Item # 4: Adjourn 

A motion was made by Judy Bronson to adjourn. A second to the motion was made by James Burris. 

Motion Carried: 5-0 

Meeting adjourned at 7:57PM 
