C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met June 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by President Amanda Crider. Those present were President Crider, Hannah Greever, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, Sharon Yearwood, Director Bill Pixley, and Assistant Director Esther Curry. Alyson Morris was present via phone.
Audience to Visitors: Greg Lamberson (LEAP)
Secretary’s Report: President Crider suggested a correction to page 2 of the minutes, regarding the newly-formed Concept Design Committee. Crider suggested removing herself from the committee, due to the rule of having 3 or fewer board members on the committee. Sharon Yearwood suggested that she would step down from the committee instead. With no other additions or corrections to the minutes, Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the May 9, 2023 minutes. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #1 was approved 6-0.
Correspondence: Director Pixley reported that he had received a letter from the Illinois State Secretary of State confirming the Per Capita grant award. The grant was in the amount expected, based on old census figures.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Metcalf gave the following report:
First Community Bank
General Operating Fund $ 347,958.00
Working Cash Fund 199,942.00
Special Reserve Fund 1,510.108.00
TOTAL $ 2,058,008.00
Director Pixley requested that $100,000 be moved from savings to checking.
Sharon made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; pay the June bills; and transfer $100,000 from savings to checking. Linda seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #2 was approved 6-0.
Director’s Report: Director Pixley reported that there had been a sewer backup in the first floor restrooms, but that it hadn’t been too serious. He also reported that due to recent issues with cars speeding through the library parking lot, that some ready-made speed bumps had been purchased and would be installed soon.
Staff Reports:
Report of Officers: President: None.
Treasurer: None.
Standing Committees:
Finance: None.
Personnel: Hannah Greever made a motion to accept the June 6, 2023 minutes from the Personnel Committee. Amanda Crider seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #3 was approved 3-0.
Policy: None.
Bldg and Grounds: None.
Community Relations: None.
Special Committees:
Annex Committee:
Decennial Committee: Director Pixley reported that the committee would not need to choose a whistleblower. With no additions or corrections to the minutes, President Crider made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2023 meeting. Director Pixley seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #4 was approved 9-0.
Illinois Heartland Library System: none
Shakespeare Foundation: None.
Unfinished Business:
1. Directory Pixley reminded board members that Open Meetings Act and Sexual Harassment training still needed to be completed. Economic Interest Statements were complete.
2. Library Expansion (LEAP): Greg Lamberson addressed the board and expressed his concern for the lack of forward motion in the project and stressed the need for a plan for fundraising to be established. Board members communicated that this would be better accomplished after the June 19 concept meeting. Linda Woodrome suggested that the Annex Committee could discuss the fundraising issue at their next meeting.
3. Director’s Evaluation: President Crider presented the summary of the director’s evaluation to the board.
4. Going Fine Free: Linda Woodrome made a motion for the library to eliminate fines for overdue books. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #5 was approved 6-0. 5. Transferring funds from checking to savings - Treasurer Bob Metcalf will continue to transfer monies each month.
6. Health Insurance for Staf - Director Pixley shared that Health insurance costs will be increasing.
New Business:
1. FY 2023-2024 Staff Salaries President Crider presented the recommendations of the personnel committee for staff salaries for FY 2023-2024. Crider made a motion to accept the recommendations of the personnel committee. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #6 was approved 6-0.
2. Proposal for tuckpointing to Capstone in Elevator Shaft - Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the bid from McMillan. Amanda Crider seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #7 was approved 6-0
3. Proposal for tuckpointing top of old part of building - Amanda Crider made a motion to accept the bid from McMillan. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #8 was approved 6-0
4. Proposal for Library Cleaning Service - Due to the current cleaning service no longer doing a thorough job, Director Pixley suggested switching to Crossroads cleaning. Linda Woodrome made a motion to switch to Crossroads cleaning. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #9 was approved 6-0
5. Narcan in the library - Tabled until a later meeting.
6. Schedule Annex Committee Meeting - The Annex committee meeting was scheduled for Friday, June 16 at 3pm
7. Library Committees The current committee assignments were reviewed and no changes were made.
Closed Session: None.
Adjournment: President Crider made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #10 was approved 6-0. President Crider adjourned the meeting at 8:21 PM.