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John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met June 27

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, commencing at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was open to the public and available via Zoom.

The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Aaron R. Smith.

The Vice-Chairman directed the recording secretary to call the roll.

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Brent Clark -- not present at roll call

Bill Kilquist -- not present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron R. Smith -- present

Magnus Noble -- present

Also present were President Kirk Overstreet, Legal Counsel Rhett Barke, Provost Melanie Pecord, Vice President Stacy Buckingham, Recording Secretary Susan May, and other College personnel.

Vice-Chairman Smith led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no public comments.

Trustee Brent Clark arrived at 6:02 p.m.


A. Chairman's Report – No report.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Athletic Director Greg Starrick reported that the Athletic Department would introduce the new student-athletes at a fundraiser on August 12, 2023, at Kokopelli Golf Club.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that BHDG Architects continue to move forward with the West Lobby Expansion project design while focusing on the project budget. Construction on this project could begin in the summer of 2024. Phasing and construction timelines are currently being developed for the Baseball and Softball Facility, and design work by BHDG Architects continues to move forward. Smaller projects completed include the resurfacing and new graphics to the gymnasium floor and the remodeling of E207 and E205 to create a sizeable multi-media learning space to be completed by the fall semester.

D. Board Policy Committee – No report.

E. Budget and Finance Committee – No report.

F. Decennial Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the Committee had been formed, including Board of Trustees members, President Overstreet, and community members Tom Miller and Richard Glodich. The first meeting will be held on September 26, 2023, before the Board of Trustees meeting.

G. Integrated Technology Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that 11 employees attended the Jenzabar annual meeting in June, where Controller Kara Bevis presented a session on the gains and challenges of migrating from Jenzabar CX to Jenzabar One. Dustin Myers attended the InfoComm 2023 conference and presented on the Classroom Technology Lifecycle. He also participated in a six-person panel discussion on promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Audio/Visual industry.

H. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Aaron Smith, Mandy Little, and Magnus Noble completed the required trustee training at the ICCTA Annual Convention on June 2. This training will be available electronically for Trustees unable to attend.

I. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Foundation awarded 152 scholarships to local high school students, totaling more than $315,000. The Foundation is finalizing details to establish a new $25,000 nursing scholarship endowment and is planning a luau-themed party for JALC retirees on August 11 at noon in the Waterfall Courtyard.

G. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Magnus Noble reported that 274 students responded to the Student Voice Survey, that included questions on the D2L Online Management System, Syllabi Portal, and textbooks. Ninety seven percent of the students responded that the D2L system was helpful. It was stated that the two biggest hindrances to success in online classes were active links and materials and reliable internet access. Aside from instructor issues, the barriers were the same for in-person classes. Ninety-two percent of the students were aware that the Syllabi Portal existed. Seventy-five percent of the respondents stated that the cost of textbooks had not prevented them from completing a course; however, 58 percent said the cost of books or materials had prevented them from having the proper materials on the first day of class. Trustee Noble added that he was hopeful the addition of the new eCampus bookstore would provide more options for students.


A. Faculty Association Report

Association President Jane Bryant reported that the faculty voted to accept the 2023-2027 contract. Dr. Bryant added that she meets monthly with President Overstreet to keep lines of communication open and discuss matters of concern. These meetings are useful in many ways as faculty continue to value communication, transparency, and fiscal responsibility. Faculty have requested a breakdown of costs associated with the instructional division reorganization and are concerned that the new layers of administration may diminish the role of the department chair. Dr. Bryant stated that another concern at the Organizational Forum was the incomplete release of the results of the recent Employee Satisfaction Survey. You heard some preliminary findings last month, but the broader college community did not get those slides or any additional information on those results. On June 6, two faculty members (one of them was me) and HR met with Jordan Mays. He had some concerns about releasing the qualitative data, and as Magnus said, some of those comments might be scathing, or you might be able to identify the writer. So we sat down, and we looked at those, and we agreed that there was nothing in those comments that would identify people. So we resolved that successfully and that everything would be released - the qualitative and the quantitative data. We also left the meeting with the understanding that it could take some time. That was three weeks ago today and we are still waiting for that. I am not sure when that is going to be released, but maybe Jodan will tell us tonight. Faculty are concerned about enrollment and interested in receiving 2023 summer enrollment numbers compared to 2022. Jordan Mays responded that the College was up in credit hours by 3.67 percent (6,526) and 21.62 percent in headcount (1,592) on the tenth day of the summer semester. President Overstreet added that the information requested by Dr. Bryant would be shared with faculty and staff at Convocation Days in August.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association – No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report – No report.


Vice-President for Business Services

Vice-President Buckingham reported that the auditors would be on campus June 28 to start preliminary work for FY23. She added that it had been an honor to work alongside Melanie Pecord for the past few years and expressed her best wishes to Melanie in her retirement. Trustee Glenn Poshard thanked Ms. Buckingham on behalf of the Finance Committee for her efforts in presenting the budget information in a way that was easy to understand.


Provost Melanie Pecord reported that Mary Logan High School was featured in the Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth, highlighting a 92 percent attendance and 95 percent graduation rate. Logan Academy will hold its GED graduation on Thursday, June 29. She also expressed appreciation to Toyin Fox and the Diversity Committee for the successful Juneteenth celebration held on June 15.

In closing, Dr. Pecord expressed her appreciation to the Board of Trustees and President Overstreet for their support during her tenure at John A. Logan College. Vice-Chairman Aaron Smith read a resolution of appreciation from the Board of Trustees and presented Dr. Pecord with an award for her leadership and contribution to the College for the past thirty years.

President Overstreet

President Overstreet attended the ICCTA Annual Convention and President's Council meeting on June 2nd and said he would recommend the development of a funding committee at the next President's Council. President's Council is also looking at what community colleges across the State are doing for manufacturing education and training. He serves on the Council's Competency-Based Education Committee, which is going well.

The President's Cabinet retreat was held in June, where they determined the College's main thing for this year is "Enriching Lives." The members participated in exercises on alignment and started building strategies for FY 2024 based on the strategic pillars and institutional goals. An all-employee in-service will be held on July 6 to review the strategies and develop tactics. Quarterly Employee Forums will also focus on alignment and the main thing.

President Overstreet attended the opening of the Cairo grocery store that involved a coalition of work from students in the Highway Construction Careers Training Programs at John A. Logan College, Shawnee Community College, University of Illinois Extension, and many others. It was a great event, and he is proud of what we are doing to uplift our fellow communities in southern Illinois.

President Overstreet expressed his appreciation to Dr. Melanie Pecord for her support, knowledge, and collegiality over the past three years.


Dr. Steve O'Keefe serves on the Executive Committee for the Illinois Community College Marketing Collaborative and reported that the Governor's Office will launch the statewide marketing campaign for all community colleges at the Illinois State Fair.


ICCB Resolution of Congratulations

The John A. Logan Men's Basketball team was recognized by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) for their first national championship in program history and the second championship in Illinois history. Vice-Chairman Aaron Smith presented Coach Tyler Smithpeters with the resolution of congratulations adopted by the Illinois Community College Board on June 2, 2023.

FY23 Strategic Plan Outcomes Report

Mr. Jordan Mays presented the FY 2023 outcomes of the Strategic Long-Range Plan. The College achieved 68.57 percent of the tactics assigned to Student Success; 82.73 percent for Arts, Culture, & Community Engagement; 92.63 percent for Career & Economic Development; and 84.22 percent for Organizational Culture. Completion rates for the College's Institutional Goals included 83.75 for Goal 1-cultivate a healthy and safe community that fosters learning and productivity; 80.14 percent for Goal 2-define and use data to support student success and institutional decision-making; 73.94 percent for Goal 3- implement practices that promote JALC core values of student-centered, integrity, respect, community, and optimism; 92.09 percent for Goal 4–position JALC as a strategic partner in the economic development of southern Illinois; 80.53 percent for Goal 5–provide internal and external communication that is consistent and accurate; and 82.86 percent for Goal 6–Support a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment that empowers individuals to perform at the highest level. Trustee Poshard commented that this was the type of dashboard information the Board had been looking for.


A. Personnel Informational Items

President Overstreet accepted the resignations of Mr. Tom Ferris, Men's Golf Coach, effective May 31, 2023; Mr. Tim Simmons, Coordinator of HCCTP, effective June 29, 2023; and Dr. Zach Garrett, Executive Assistant to the Provost, effective June 30, 2023.


Vice-Chairman Smith asked if there were any Consent Agenda items the Board would like to pull for further discussion or a separate vote. Hearing none, Consent Agenda items A – M were presented for approval.

June 27, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7

A. Joint Agreements for Dual Credit Education Cooperation

Approved the purchase of approximately 100 laptops using a JALC-approved, competitively bid vendor contract for a total cost not to exceed $75,000.

B. Capitol Strategies Annual Contract

Approved a one-year contract with Capitol Strategies for network engineering services, not to exceed $80,000 for FY 2024.

C. Athletic Insurance Annual Renewal

Approved the renewal of the agreement with First Agency to provide two athletic insurance policies in the combined total amount of $71,687, effective August 1, 2023.

D. Interfund Loans

Approved the interfund loans from the Working Cash Fund: $70,000 to the Student Activity Fund and $1,300,000 to the Restricted Purposes Fund.

E. Transfer of Interest from Working Cash Fund

Authorized the transfer of the interest earned in the Working Cash Fund through June 30, 2023, in the anticipated amount not to exceed $227,000, with only $20,000 to be transferred to the Education Fund and the remainder transferred to the Operations and Maintenance Fund to be used for the general operating needs of the College; and that the College Treasurer be authorized to make the necessary entries to execute such transfers.

F. Professional Staff Promotions

Approved the promotions for Dr. Nathan Arnett, Emily Monti, and Dr. Kristin Yosanovich, as recommended, effective July 1, 2023.

G. Professional Staff Employment Contract Extensions

Approved the re-appointment and employment contract extensions as presented by President Overstreet in accordance with Board Policy 5227.

H. FY 2024 Salary Increase for Professional and Executive Support Staff

Approved an annual salary increase of 3.25 percent for professional and executive support staff under contract for FY 2024, in accordance with Board Policies 5220A and 5221A.

I. Personnel Action Items (Appendix A)

Approved the employment and ratification of personnel as recommended by President Overstreet.

J. Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement with JALC IEA Full-Time Faculty Association Ratified the collective bargaining agreement with the John A. Logan College IEA Full-Time Faculty Association, effective Fall 2023 through Summer 2027.

K. Expenditure Report

Approved the expenditure report for the period ending May 31, 2023.

L. Treasurer's and Financial Report

Approved the treasurer's and financial report for the period ending April 30, 2023.

M. Minutes

Approved the minutes of the May 23, 2023, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Mandy Little and Magnus Noble moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Agenda Items A – M as presented.

Upon roll call, all members present voted Yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4318)


A. Adoption of the FY 2024 Budget

The FY 2024 tentative budget was presented to the Board of Trustees on May 23, 2023, and a public hearing was held at 5:30 p.m. on June 27, 2023. Vice-President Buckingham disclosed the changes between the tentative and final proposed budget at the budget hearing. Trustee Brent Clark expressed his appreciation to Ms. Buckingham and spoke on the importance of developing a statewide movement to address community college funding. Trustee Jake Rendleman also expressed his gratitude to Ms. Buckingham for the way she handled the Federal relief funding and fire restoration.

Glenn Poshard and Jake Rendleman moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees adopt the FY 2024 budget as recommended and that the administration be authorized to implement this budget effective July 1, 2023.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes, with the exception of Trustee Rebecca Borgsmiller, who voted No. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4319)


Student Trustee Magnus Noble will attend the ICCB Student Advisory Committee Meeting on July 27 in Springfield, Illinois.


Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4320)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
