City of Sesser City Council met Aug. 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Sesser City Council was held on Thursday, August 10, 2023. It was called to order by Mayor Ashmore at 6:34 PM. Prayer was led by David Bates. The pledge of allegiance was said, and the mayor asked for Veterans to remain standing and thanked them for their service.
Clerk Stacey called the roll--Rose Bochantin--here, Dana Laur--absent, Wayne Shannon--here, Travis Zettler--absent, David Bates--here, Jeff Hamburger--here.
A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and 2nd by David Bates to approve the minutes for the regular July meeting. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #2
Matt Tosh explained the Callie Street Watermain RR Crossing DRA Grant bid. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve and award the low bidder for the Callie Street Watermain RR Crossing DRA Grant to Wiggs Excavating in the amount of $157,566.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #3
Matt Tosh explained the Design engineering bill for the Callie Street Watermain RR Crossing DRA Grant. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and 2nd by Travis Zettler to approve the design engineering bill #1 to Brown and Roberts in the amount of $23,483.58 for the Callie Street Watermain RR Crossing DRA Grant. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #4
Matt Tosh explained the Water System Improvements 2022—DRA Grant Contractor’s Pay Estimate #2. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Rose Bochantin to approve the Water System Improvements 2022 DRA Grant Contractors Pay Estimate #2 to Wiggs Excavating for $14,303.90. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #5
Matt Tosh explained the Water Systems Improvements 2022 DRA Grant Construction Engineering Bill #2. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the Water Systems Improvements 2022 DRA Grant Construction Engineering Bill #2 to Brown and Roberts for $1,393.72. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #1
Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with Terry Newman for 4 homes to be built on Nettie and Broadway streets. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Wayne Shannon to approve the TIF agreement with Terry Newman to build four homes and receive a one-time payment for each home of $15,000.00 per home once completed. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with Terry Newman for a new home to be built at Matthew/Bonnnie Street. A motion was made by Dvid Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the TIF agreement for a one-time payment of $15,000.00 after completion of the home. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with David Harrison for the house at 15737 Nina Street. This house caught fire and will be completely gutted and rehabbed. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the TIF agreement with David Harrison to rehab the home at 15737 Nina Street with a one-time payment of $10,000.00 after completion. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Mayor Ashmore explained the project for the Masonic Lodge expansion had been approved last month, but we now have the resolution. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve and pass resolution #13-2023 the TIF agreement with the Masonic Lodge for expansion of the lodge building. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #6
Mayor Ashmore explained the Police Dog Holding Center. Some of the project has been started and costs so far have been from the concrete being poured. Mayor Ashmore asked for this cost to be reimbursed at this time. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and 2nd by Daid Bates to approve the reimbursement of the costs incurred at this time--$2,000.00 for the concrete. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #7
Mayor Ashmore the road closure for the Oktoberfest. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve and pass resolution #14-2023, a resolution to close Franklin Avenue on October 7, 2023, from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM for the Oktoberfest. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #8
Mayor Ashmore had Clerk Stacey explain the advertising in the S-V sports programs, Tatler and Choir and Band programs for the school year. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the purchase of advertisements in all SV sports game programs and Tatler and donation to the Choir and Band Programs for the 23-24 School year in the total amount of $480.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #9
Mayor Ashmore explained the Paralyzed Veterans of America Bass Fishing Benefit. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve a donation of $500.00 to the Paralyzed Veterans of America Bass Fishing Benefit. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #10
Mayor Ashmore explained the situation of the home on the property of 502 E. Matthew Street. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Rose Bochantin to approve the mayor to buy the said property for up to $7,500.00 if the owner will sell it. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #11
Mayor Ashmore explained since the light pole banners have gone up, several more have expressed interest. He would like for the city to pay 50% of the cost of the banners—none have been billed so far. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the city to pay 50% of the cost of the light pole banners (banners cost $500.00, city will pay $250.00 for each banner). All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #12
September meeting will be moved to September 9, 2023. It will be held at Brewed on Broadway at 8:30 AM.
Agenda Item #13
Mayor Ashmore explained the need for a printer in his home office and wanted the council to think about if they would be willing to pay 50% of the cost since most of the work he does at home is city work. No action taken at this time.
Agenda Item #14
Mayor Ashmore explained that Marion has expressed he is ready to retire and plans to do so soon. He has agreed to stay until approx. March. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Wayne Shannon to approve a 2% raise for Marion Lappin. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Attorney Bigler reported that city court was held and it went well. He explained that for those getting city ordinance tickets--it is cheaper for them to pay it at city hall—when they go to court, they will also incur court costs. These costs are about $100.00 per ticket. But so far it is going well.
A motion was made by Travis Zettler and second by Jeff Hamburger to approve the bills as presented by the finance committee. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Dana Laur arrived @ 7:38 PM.
A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and 2nd by Wayne Shannon to approve the treasurer’s report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and 2nd by Travis Zettler to approve the police report as presented. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by David Bates to approve the code inspector’s report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Rose Bochantin and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the tourism report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Rose Bochantin and seconded by David Bates to approve the library directors report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Public comment/questions: None.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 PM by David Bates and 2nd by Wayne Shannon. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 7:41 PM.