
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met Aug. 17

Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met Aug. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board Vice President called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Crystal Marlow, Jessica Case, Monica Marlow, Doug Shafer, and Angela Schrum. Jenny Sneed arrived at 6:10 p.m. Superintendent Adam Cross, Principals, Ryan Robinson and Amanda Strothschein and Kim McCormick were present. Visitors were April Flexter and Ashley Snow.

Motion: Schrum -"approve consent agenda."

Second: C. Marlow

Action: Roll Call Voice: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Lewis.


Superintendents Report on Tax levy, new IJHSAA new rules, and enrollment were all discussed. Tentative Budget was discussed.

Motion: Case-"to approve FY24 Tentative Budget."

Second: Lewis

Action: Roll Call Voice: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Lewis. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: C. Marlow-"to approve FMLA request for Hannah Pierce."

Second: Case

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed.


Motion: Schrum-"to approve FMLA request for Rebekah Willett."

Second: Shafer

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed.


Motion: Lewis-"to go to executive at 6:23 p.m."

Second: C. Marlow

Voice Vote: All Yeas:



Motion: C. Marlow -"to come out of executive at 6:53 p.m."

Second: Lewis

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Schrum-"to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between BUSD#318 AND THE Bluford-Webber Education Association to create an additional extracurricular stipend position of Grade School Robotics Sponsor for the 2023-24 school year with a stipend of $500.00"

Second: Lewis

Action: Roll Call Voice: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, Lewis and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Case-"to internally post for a Grade School Robotics Sponsor."

Second: Lewis

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Case-"to accept letter of resignation from Leanne Habermas as special education aide and bus driver effective August 10, 2023."

Second: Shafer

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Schrum-"to post for a grade school aide. For 2023-24 school year."

Second: Case

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Shafer-"to employ Durenda Galloway as a full time bus driver for the 23-24 school year."

Second: Schrum

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Case-"to hire Levy Aydt as full time custodian start date to be determined by superintendent."

Second: Lewis

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Schrum-"to hire Mason Case as JH and HS volunteer Assistant Volleyball Coach for 23-24 school year.

Second: Shafer

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: C. Marlow "to hire Matt Hicks as HS Head Softball Coach for 23-24 school year.

Second: Lewis

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Lewis "to hire Destiny Holtz as HS Assistant Softball Coach for 23-24 school year.

Second: C. Marlow

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Shafer "to hire Jason Hicks as JH and HS Volunteer Assistant Softball Coach for 23-24 school year.

Second: C. Marlow

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: C. Marlow, Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: C. Marlow -"to adjourn at 6:59."

Second: Schrum

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.
