
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Aug. 22

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Aug. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, commencing at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was open to the public and available on the College's YouTube channel.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Kilquist.

The Chairman directed the recording secretary to call the roll.

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Brent Clark -- present

Bill Kilquist -- present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- not present at roll call

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron R. Smith -- present

Magnus Noble -- present

Also present were President Kirk Overstreet, Legal Counsel Rhett Barke, Provost Stephanie Chaney Hartford, Vice President Stacy Buckingham, Recording Secretary Susan May, and other College personnel.

Chairman Kilquist led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no public comments.


A. Chairman's Report – No report.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Trustee Brent Clark reported that the Athletic fundraiser event at Kokopelli was a great success. The student-athletes introduced represented a great balance of local and out-of-area talent to watch in the upcoming year.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Trustee Rendleman reported that the Committee had not met, but construction plans are progressing.

D. Board Policy Committee

Trustee Rebecca Borgsmiller reported that the Committee will meet on September 19.

E. Budget and Finance Committee – No report.

F. Decennial Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the Decennial Committee will meet in October.

G. Integrated Technology Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the Committee met on August 14 and discussed the National Student Clearinghouse data breach. The College's accessed data was narrow in scope and did not include social security numbers or passwords. The College will continue to work with the National Student Clearinghouse to establish next steps. Several security software systems and controls are in place to protect the College's system, including Darktrace, Mimecast, and DUO. The Microsoft Licensing Agreement is an informational item on the agenda and includes licensing for Microsoft servers, operating systems, and application software. Committees and task forces are in place to ensure the College has the right software solutions configured correctly to meet the needs of the College. Digital signage is now live across campus, which is a great way to share information with students and visitors. The Emergency Alert Notification System is now available at teacher stations in classrooms. This system provides a key sequence that will alert Campus Police of an emergency and location so they can respond quickly. Brian Sickinger and Kori Grodzicki have new roles within the IT Department to help support various ERP systems and integrations on campus, and there are currently three open positions in the department.

H. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Aaron Smith reported that he will be attending the September ICCTA meeting in Springfield. Trustees Smith, Borgsmiller, and Rendleman will attend the American Community College Trustees Leadership Congress in October, where elections will be held for the ACCT Board. Trustee Rendleman added that the Southeast Regional Trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7, at Southeastern Illinois College.

I. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Foundation is in the process of awarding $990,000 in scholarships this semester. Book vouchers have been uploaded to the new eCampus site, which allows scholarship students to use their funds to purchase books. The Foundation is finalizing details to establish a new $25,000 nursing endowment. A Retirees Luau event was held on campus and was well attended. The Foundation plans to continue these events quarterly. The Foundation Golf Classic is coming up on October 27 at Crab Orchard Golf Course.

G. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Magnus Noble reported that the semester was off to a good start, and he has contacted Provost Hartford and IEA President Bryant about bookstore concerns and the student's ability to access their financial aid accounts. He is hopeful the process will be much smoother for the spring semester. Mr. Noble participated in the Faculty Student panel event, which presented great

information to students. He will continue his efforts with the Foundation to establish a student book fund. Mr. Noble is the vice-chair of the ICCB Student Advisory Committee (SAC) and attend the meeting in September. In this position, he also serves as the liaison between the ICCB Student Advisory Committee and the IBHE Student Advisory Committee. John A. Logan College will host the SAC Committee meeting in November. President Overstreet also acknowledged Trustee Noble's full time internship with Senator Tammy Duckworth's office that will begin on September 11.


A. Faculty Association Report

IEA President Jane Bryant reported that access to the results of the Employee Satisfaction Survey have been received, and she appreciatesthe transparency and access to all of the data. Faculty concur with the administration's summation that some of the things needing attention are communication and employee morale, and they look forward to the strategies and tactics that will be initiated to address these matters. Faculty also noted some themes within the open-ended comments related to faculty and feel that the progressive discipline language in the new contract will help address some of the themes.

Regarding the recent reorganization, Dr. Overstreet did present some broad details at Convocation Day; however, we asked for additional information that was received within the timeframe requested. Dr. Overstreet also proactively sent a campus-wide summary on Friday that clarified some questions. Dr. Bryant looks forward to the final numbers after finalizing the assistant dean search.

Faculty recently worked with Provost Dr. Hartford on the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar to ensure the College is fulfilling the state requirements for instructional days while addressing changes to professional development per the new contract. We appreciate a chance to collaborate with the administration regarding these changes. Dr. Bryant commented that she is very impressed with the Student Enrollment Management Plan and discussed at the faculty union meeting that we need to do our part where we can in terms of retention and recruitment. Dr. Bryant concluded her report by welcoming Dr. Susan LaPanne and Stephanie Harner to their new positions.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association – No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report – No report.

Trustee Dr. Glenn Poshard arrived at 6:31 p.m.


eCampus Bookstore

Vice-President Stacy Buckingham acknowledged that the voucher process with eCampus is slightly different and noted that vouchers were issued and show up as a credit upon checkout on the online account. There was also a process to evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress for the summer semester before financial aid could be finalized for the fall semester. The new bookstore model is a significant transition process, and now that the adoption history has been entered, she anticipates the spring semester will be much smoother.

FY23 Financial Update

Ms. Buckingham reported that we concluded FY 2023 with more revenue than budgeted, mainly due to the personal corporate property taxes that were budgeted at $800,000 but came in at $2.1 million. We have verified the allocation for FY 2024 of $1.5 million, which is also higher than the $900,000 budgeted. The June treasurer's report draft will not be final until the audit is complete, but it looks like we will have a nine percent underspend for FY 2023. All in all, these changes took care of the deficit situation for FY 2023.

Extension Center

Vice-President Buckingham summarized the activity and costs associated with the West Frankfort and DuQuoin Extension Centers, which serve dual credit, ABE/GED students, Workforce Development, and Community Education courses. She stated that she is not recommending that the College discontinue services for either community but wanted to provide an analysis of the usage and cost for each facility. For FY 2023, the DuQuoin Extension Center served 78 students, and 176 students were served at the West Frankfort Extension Center. Operating costs, including utilities, maintenance services, and other expenses, totaled $48,788.84 for DuQuoin and $51,220.31 for West Frankfort. These totals do not reflect the cost of sending JALC grounds staff for mowing or snow removal. The square footage of the DuQuoin facility is 7,800 square feet, and 10,607 square feet for West Frankfort. Expenses are similar for both Centers from year to year, even though West Frankfort generates more overall credit hours and serves more students. The Illinois Eastern Community College Coal Mining Program has recently relocated to the West Frankfort Extension Center, and ManTraCon has an office at West Frankfort to assist students with placement.

Recommendations presented by Vice-President Buckingham include reviewing an alternative source for internet connectivity in both facilities, performing an energy audit of both facilities, and exploring appraisal and market conditions for leasing consideration at the DuQuoin facility. Ms. Buckingham reiterated that she is not recommending stopping services in either location but would like to explore options to ensure a more cost-effective model from a facilities standpoint. President Overstreet added that having personnel at the extension centers has also become an issue for evening sessions.

Ms. Buckingham concluded her report by expressing her appreciation for her Logan family of 33 years, specifically the Business Services team, and thanked the Board of Trustees and President Overstreet for their support.

Assessment Model Update

Provost Stephanie Chaney Hartford acknowledged the hard work performed by faculty during Convocation Days to help update our assessment model in response to the guidance received from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). She also thanked Jordan Mays, who has diligently fielded questions as we move this assessment model into Phase I, which consists of adding program-level outcomes and mapping division-level outcomes to provide ongoing continuous quality improvement. Next year, we will embark on Phase II to add additional data levels to the assessment model. An Institutional Assessment Committee comprised of faculty and representatives from other entities of the College has been formed to help guide the assessment process.

Welcome Week

Provost Hartford reported that approximately 125 students attended the instructor/student panel, where information was exchanged on how to be successful. Around 310 students took advantage of the hot dogs and chips served on the first day of class, and approximately 320 attended the pizza and ice cream event on August 17. Throughout the week, golf carts were on campus to give students rides to classes.

Walk-In Registration

Walk-in registration began on August 7, and the College saw approximately 312 walk-ins for advisement. In addition to the walk-ins, advisement also fielded many phone calls and emails during this timeframe. The walk-in registration was extended by a little over one week this year to increase the number of students we were onboarding into our classes.

Federal Grant Award

The College was awarded a federal grant for approximately $1.2 million from Senators Durbin and Duckworth. These funds will be utilized to finish out the third floor of the Communication Building to expand classroom and lab space for nursing. It will also allow us to renovate space to bring the Medical Lab Technology and Surgical Tech Programs from the SICCM campus to the JALC campus when they officially become our programs. We are awaiting the details of when that money will become available. President Overstreet thanked Dr. Glenn Poshard for his work in speaking with Senators Durbin and Duckworth on our behalf.

President Kirk Overstreet

The College began its fifty-sixth academic year on August 14 with Convocation activities. Information shared with the campus during Convocation included our focus for the year – To Enrich Lives – a truncated version of the College's mission statement. This year, the College has also engaged a consultant who will help guide us in alignment with common goals.

At the Convocation, President Overstreet reported on the employee satisfaction survey report and noted that the themes recognized include communication, involvement, and morale. The College has already implemented some things that speak to these issues, including a Shared Governance program, Strategic Enrollment Management Taskforce, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. These are a few examples of how we engage employees across campus to improve employee involvement. We are improving communication through meetings and have added department chairs to the All Team Administrators meeting this year. President Overstreet thanked the Athletic Department and Student Life Department for supplying the pizza and ice cream for the students during Welcome Week.


Enrollment numbers are still a moving target, but as of this afternoon, headcount was 3,039 (up by .3 percent), and credit hours were 29,569.5 (up by 1.1 percent). The College's twelve-week, four-week, and winter sessions may add to this census date number. While these numbers are significant, President Overstreet noted that the retention numbers at the end of the semester determine our funding formula for the state.

General John A. Logan Historical Marker

President Overstreet attended the unveiling of a historic marker on Tower Square Place commemorating General John A. Logan. August 19, 2023, marked the 162nd anniversary of General Logan's appeal for Union support, where the then Congressman gave his historic speech from the back of a wagon on Marion's Square. This commemorative marker briefly describes the 1861 events and a silhouette of Logan's likeness.

Legislative Mandates

President Overstreet noted that the College has been working to install feminine hygiene dispensers in all campus restrooms to comply with legislation passed approximately one year ago. A second piece of legislation passed just a few weeks ago mandates community colleges to install wellness kiosks on campus that include products such as Tylenol, Narcan, and Plan B. The President's Council will discuss a consortium since this is an unfunded mandate. Several board members expressed their desire to be informed before this type of legislation is passed as a mandate and becomes public within the community. Trustee Mandy Little also expressed concern regarding the medications to be included in the wellness kiosks. Trustee Aaron Smith requested that the progress on both projects be paused until additional information could be provided. President Overstreet acknowledged his request.

Recognition of Retiring Senior Staff

President Overstreet recognized two retiring senior staff members, Ms. Stacy Buckingham and Ms. Johnna Herren. He appreciated Ms. Buckingham's quiet humor and incredible work ethic during her tenure; she has been an excellent advisor over the past two years. He thanked Johnna Herren, who also had a very long career at John A. Logan College, and her presence during her tenure has been much appreciated. Dr. Overstreet welcomed Dr. Susan LaPanne, who will be taking over as Vice-President for Business Services and CFO, and Ms. Stephanie Harner, who will be taking over as Assistant Vice-President for Human Resources.

Trustee Jake Rendleman stated that it had been over a year since we had an evaluation of the President and the Board. Chairman Kilquist confirmed that he planned to address this over the next month.


A. Recognitions

Chairman Bill Kilquist read a resolution of appreciation and presented an award to retirees Ms. Johnna Herren and Ms. Stacy Buckingham.


A. Personnel

President Overstreet accepted the retirement request of Cheryl Barrall, Professor of Education, effective August 1, 2025. Resignations accepted by the President included Gina Simpkins, Mary Logan High School Counselor, effective August 14, 2023, and Jennifer Watkins, Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective August 9, 2023.

B. Microsoft Agreement

The College purchased the licensing agreement from CDW-G for Microsoft Windows and Office software products for $47,040.21. This amount is within the FY 2024 approved budget and is exempt from bidding according to the Illinois Public Community College Act, 110 ILCS 805/3-27 and Board Policy 7154.

C. Consultant

John A. Logan College will contract with Nick Anderson of the Crispian Advantage as a consultant to reinforce the theme of The Main Thing and Alignment for the upcoming fiscal year. The cost for this service is included in the FY 2024 approved budget and will be paid in three installments of $8,333 over the fiscal year. Mr. Anderson will provide one-on-one training with members of the administration and staff leadership, group meetings via Zoom, and assist with developing materials and training that can be distributed to all campus members over the next year and beyond.


Chairman Kilquist asked if there were any Consent Agenda items the Board would like to pull for further discussion or a separate vote. Hearing none, Consent Agenda items A – H were presented for approval.

A. General Education Core Curriculum Credential Application

Approved the General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) Credential awarded for the completion of 37-41 credit hours that satisfy the GECC of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI).

B. Tool Kit Purchase

Approved the purchase of a new tool kit from Snap-On Industrial for $31,044.25, using FY 2024 Perkins Grant Funds.

C. Assessment Technology Institute (ATI) Testing

Approved the purchase of Assessment Technology Institute, LLC (ATI) testing product for $89,552.50. This product is aligned with the National Council State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN content areas. Student fees are assessed to cover the cost of the product that was included in the FY 2024 budget.

D. Commercial Outdoor Tent Rental for Southern Illinois Hunting and Fishing Days

Approved the rental and installation of commercial outdoor tents for the Southern Illinois Hunting and Fishing Days and awarded the bid to qualified bidder JK Rentals, Inc., for a total cost of $27,268.50.

E. Energy Contracts

Electricity and natural gas were competitively bid on August 16, 2023. Per Board Policy 7152, the administration accepted the bid for electricity of $0.04922 per kilowatt hour for the main campus and both Extension Centers and natural gas of $4.5600 per dekatherm for the main campus. The Board ratified the 36-month energy contracts presented with Constellation and Mansfield Power and Gas for electricity and natural gas, respectively.

F. ViewPoint Screening

Approved the adoption of Viewpoint Screening for the incoming January 2024 cohorts of nursing students. ViewPoint Screening will be adopted for the other Health Science programs in Fall 2024 if successful.

G. Personnel Action Items (Appendix A)

Approved the employment and ratification of personnel as recommended by President Kirk Overstreet.

H. Expenditure Report

Approved the expenditure report for the period ending July 31, 2023.

I. Treasurer's and Financial Report

Approved the treasurer's and financial report for the period ending June 30, 2023.

J. Minutes of Regular Meeting Approved

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Agenda Items A – J as presented.

Upon roll call, all members present voted Yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4324)


Chairman Kilquist announced the Celebration of Scouting event honoring Julia Harrison Bruce and Dr. Andrew Springs at the Harrison-Bruce Historical Village on Saturday, August 26.


Mandy Little and Magnus Noble moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4325)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
