Community High School District 99 Board of Education met Sept. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education, Community High School District 99, met in Workshop Session at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 11, 2023 at the Administrative Service Center.
Upon the Secretary's roll call, the following Board members answered present: Don Renner, President; Terry Pavesich, Vice President; and Members Kara Casten, Ken Dawson, Sherell Fuller and Jennie Hagstrom. Member Christopher Espinoza was absent.
Also present were Hank Thiele, Superintendent; Gina Ziccardi, Associate Superintendent for Student Learning; Rob Lang, Assistant Superintendent for Staff Services; Scott Wuggazer, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services; Travis McGuire, Assistant Superintendent for Learning Resources; Jeree Ethridge, Chief School Business Official; Jill Browning, Chief Communications Officer; Ryan Doherty, Director of Student Experiences; Lisa Bollow, Director of Special Services; Courtney DeMent, North High Principal; Arwen Lyp, South High Principal; Student Board Members Gianna Hunsche and Nahla Mokkath; and Juli Gniadek, Secretary.
There were no visitors.
South High students Ava Arthur, Vanja Bogdanovic, Kim Torres and Sydney Stapleton, who participated in the Board approved Student Trip to France over the summer, shared what was involved in the planning of the trip, including parent meetings and fundraising, as well as highlights of experiences and places they visited on the trip. All four students stated they are looking at colleges abroad.
The Board thanked the students for sharing their experiences.
South High Student Board Member Nahla Mokkath spoke about Mustang Fury, where clubs showcase themselves and recruit new members. She shared information on Access sessions held so far this year, which were grade specific, focusing on the needs of each class, from going over rules and learning how to reach out for help, to the college application process. Ms. Mokkath shared the Homecoming theme this year is Barbie and the Music Bowl and String Festival are coming up.
Gianna Hunsche, North High Student Board Member, reported the Activities Fair at North High was very successful, with a lot of student engagement. Ms. Hunsche noted the Homecoming theme is Neverland, with daily events during Homecoming planned around the theme. She shared in Access they learned how to submit AP scores to colleges, which was valuable, and stated the North High football team is 3 and 0.
Ryan Doherty reviewed enrollment numbers, grade distribution and the reasons students reported they enrolled in Summer School. He specifically noted enrollment was up due to the addition of another section of Driver Education, eleven students were able to graduate at the completion of Summer School and the primary reason students reported for taking Summer School was credit recovery.
Lisa Bollow explained Extended School Year (ESY) is a summer program required by law for eligible special education students. She shared there has been a steady increase in enrollment since District 99 started offering its own ESY program and stopped sending students to SASED for ESY. Ms. Bollow noted the District 99 program is approximately 1/3 the cost per student of the SASED program, and has the added advantage of being taught primarily by District 99 staff.
Ms. Ziccardi explained the differences between AP Courses (college level courses), Dual Credit Courses (courses students receive college credit for) and Capstone Courses (the highest level course in a pathway, as defined by District 99) and displayed a list of courses in each category. She stated the College Board mandates the curriculum in AP Courses and the largest hurdle to offering more dual credit courses is the approval process, which can take 1-3 years, and the stringent teacher credential requirements. The District does offer tuition assistance for teachers who are working towards their eligibility to teach a dual credit course, according to Gina Ziccardi. Dr. Thiele stated work is being done legislatively to address the teacher credential requirements for dual credit offerings and Dr. Caputo, COD President, has been supportive.
Ms. Ziccardi reviewed the last five years of enrollment, test results and grades in AP Courses. The key takeaway, according to Ms. Ziccardi, is that in 2023 AP enrollments; percent of District 99 students earning a score of 3, 4, or 5; and percent of District 99 students earning a score of 4 or 5 are higher than the five year average. Dr. Thiele noted there was a concern that AP scores might drop due to the new schedule, but this is not the case.
Ms. Ziccardi shared enrollment and grades in Dual Credit and Capstone Courses, reporting both Dual Credit and Capstone Courses had increased enrollment as a percent of total enrollment in 2023 and grades in 2023 were consistent with the last five years.
Dr. Thiele stated the Board asked him to participate in local and national leadership opportunities and to bring new ideas back to the District. He shared a draft list of leadership events he would like to participate in this year, noting that several would be of no cost to the District due to his participation in leading, planning or presenting at the event. The consensus of the Board was that Dr. Thiele should participate in the listed events.
Dr. McGuire provided information on ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of staff and students including ALICE drills, the "I Love U Guys" Foundation reunification method (used county- wide), work with local first responders, table top exercises, staff lanyards, staff instruction on virtual safety and accessing Safe 2 Help Illinois. He also discussed physical safety best practices that incorporate locking classroom doors, no propping of exterior doors, keeping windows clear and being mindful of surroundings when entering and leaving the buildings.
There were no public comments.
Dr. Thiele announced the business portion of the meeting was complete. District 99 staff assisted Board members with setting up two-factor authentication on their District devices and personal devices used for District business.
There being no further business or discussion, Member Pavesich moved and Member Hagstrom seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned. Upon the unanimous voice vote of the six members in attendance, the President declared the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.