C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Sept. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 PM by President Amanda Crider. Those present were President Crider (via Zoom), Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome, Sharon Yearwood, Director Bill Pixley, and Assistant Director Esther Curry.
Audience to Visitors: none.
Oath of Office: Holly Johnson was added as board member and took the oath of office. Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was previously presented to the board members. As there were no additions or corrections to the minutes, Sharon Yearwood made a motion to accept the August 8, 2023 minutes. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #1 was approved 7-0.
Correspondence: Director Pixley shared with the board that he had received a letter from People’s National Bank informing the library of a trust left by the passing of Lee and Roberta Sue Smith naming the library as the beneficiary of the trust.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Metcalf gave the following report:
First Community Bank
General Operating Fund $ 151,369.00
Working Cash Fund 199,942.00
Special Reserve Fund 1,510.108.00
TOTAL $ 1,861,419.00
Director Pixley requested that $100,000 be moved from savings to checking.
Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; pay the August bills; and transfer $100,000 from savings to checking. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #2 was approved 7-0.
Director’s Report: None.
Staff Reports: None.
Report of Officers: President: None.
Treasurer: None.
Standing Committees:
Finance: None.
Personnel: None.
Policy: None.
Bldg and Grounds: None.
Community Relations: None.
Special Committees:
Annex Committee: Design Concept:
Illinois Heartland Library System: Assistant Director Esther Curry reported that SHARE is working on updating member fees, with the possibility of a price increase in the future. SHARE is having town hall meetings which Esther has been attending.
Shakespeare Foundation: Bob Metcalf reported that the annual meeting will happen in two months and the library usually suggests a project at that time. The board needs to think what that could be. Possibilities include improvements to the current building, or Director Pixley suggested asking that those funds be designated to the expansion project.
Unfinished Business: 1. Training: All training for board members is complete for the year. 2. Design Concept Committee: The Design concept committee did not meet during the past month, but there is a meeting with Dewberry scheduled for September 13. The October Board meeting will include a report and minutes from that meeting.
New Business: 1. Board Meeting Dates 2024: Bob Metcalf made a motion to accept the Board Meeting Dates for 2024. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #3 was approved 7-0
2. Library Closing Dates 2024 Hannah Greever made a motion to accept the Library Closing Dates for 2024. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #4 was approved 7-0
3. Building Fund Certification Amanda Crider made a motion to accept the Building Fund Certification. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #5 was approved 7-0
4. RFP for fundraiser The Annex committee submitted to the board an RFP to hire a consultant to do a capital campaign feasibility study. The board discussed the importance of hiring for this role as the next step in moving forward for the expansion. The anticipated timeline for the role is one year. Director Pixley will email the job description to the Annex committee before posting. Sharon Yearwood made a motion to accept the capital campaign feasibility study and post the job. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #6 was approved 7-0
5. Set date for personnel committee meeting The personnel committee agreed to meet Monday Sept. 18 at 4pm in order to discuss starting salaries for any new positions.
6. Resignation of Greg Lamberson from Concept Design Committee and the Library Expansion Advisory Panel - President Crider expressed her appreciation for Greg’s work for the group.
Closed Session: None.
Adjournment: Linda Woodrome made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bob Metcalf seconded the motion. The motion carried.
ROLL CALL #7 was approved 7-0. President Crider adjourned the meeting at 7:54 PM.