C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District | Facebook
C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District | Facebook
C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Oct. 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Budget Meeting session began at 7:01pm. No one from the public was present at the budget meeting.
The Board Meeting was called to order at 7:15PM by President Amanda Crider. Those present were President Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome, Sharon Yearwood, Director Bill Pixley, and Assistant Director Esther Curry.
Audience to Visitors: None.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was previously presented to the board members. As there were no additions or corrections to the minutes, Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the September 12, 2023 minutes. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #1 was approved 7-0.
Correspondence: Director Pixley informed the board that he had received a thank-you card from one of the library’s regular patrons.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Metcalf gave the following report:
First Community Bank
General Operating Fund $ (155,912.00)
Working Cash Fund 199,942.00
Special Reserve Fund 1,722,555.00
TOTAL $ 1,766,585.00
Sharon Yearwood made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the September bills, with no need to transfer any funds this month. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #2 was approved 7-0.
Director’s Report: Director Pixley reported that the library had received $440,000 from the Smith Estate. Director Pixley recommends transferring $400,000 of this to a CD at Legence bank next month. Staff Reports: President Crider noted from the staff report that Children’s Librarian Susan Williams had received feedback from the homeschool mom’s group that they would like an increase in the number of books that could be checked out on a card, perhaps in the form of an “Educator’s card”. Hannah Greever shared that homeschoolers often do a lot of reading and projects that require a large number of books. Director Pixley and Assistant Director Curry suggested that any increase in the allowed number of books would need to be extended to all patrons. This increase would require a change in circulation policy, which could go on next month’s agenda.
Report of Officers: President: None.
Treasurer: None.
Standing Committees:
Finance: None.
Personnel: Amanda Crider made a motion to accept the Personnel committee minutes. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #3 was approved 3-0.
Policy: None.
Bldg and Grounds: None.
Community Relations: None.
Special Committees:
Concept Design Committee: Amanda Crider made a motion to accept the
Concept Design Committee minutes. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #4 was approved 5-0.
Annex Committee: Amanda Crider made a motion to accept the Annex
Committee minutes. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #5 was approved 3-0.
Illinois Heartland Library System: None
Shakespeare Foundation: Bob Metcalf reported that the Foundation has started planning their main meeting for the end of October or beginning of November, and should be moving forward as usual.
Unfinished Business: 1. Library Expansion: The Concept Design Committee will be meeting with Amanda Voorhees on October 18, 2023. President Crider would like to do a presentation to the full board on the project, so that everyone can see the recommendation from the concept design committee. Assistant Director Curry suggested we could share a recording from the upcoming meeting with Amanda Voorhees.
New Business: 1. Reading and Approval of Budget Ordinance: Sharon Yearwood made a motion to approve Budget Ordinance #3. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #6 was approved 7-0.
2. Reading and Approval of Levy Ordinance Linda Woodrome made a motion to approve Levy Ordinance #4. Holly Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #7 was approved 7-0.
3. Approve Asbestos Testing Contract Dewberry requested preliminary numbers on hazardous materials before they can give a cost estimate for renovation. Cost for asbestos testing is $2,400. Hannah Greever made a motion to approve the asbestos testing contract. Amanda Crider seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #8 was approved 7-0.
4. Schedule Decennial Committee Meeting The second meeting of the Decennial committee will take place next month on November 14, 2023, at 6:30pm before the regular board meeting. Director Pixley will notify Clyde Hall and April Kohute of the date.
5. Approve Library Audit Linda Woodrome made a motion to approve the Library audit. Alyson Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #9 was approved 7-0.
6. Community Relations Committee President Crider suggested the Community Relations committee should begin thinking about outreach. Director Pixley shared that more PR is always good, as some residents still don’t know they can get a free library card. Sharon Yearwood suggested that we will definitely need to do outreach once we start with fundraising, and that the committee can work with the person doing the feasibility study to get out into the community. Sharon emphasized that the whole board will need to be involved to help make this happen and that there are a lot of good things the library is doing, but it would be good to highlight those things and make the community aware of what the library is doing. The Community Relations committee will plan to partner with the individual doing the feasibility study.
Closed Session: None.
Adjournment: Sharon Yearwood made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #10 was approved 7-0. President Crider adjourned the meeting at 8:04 PM.