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Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Nov. 8

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Timothy Juskiewicz, Board Secretary | Minooka Community High School District 111 Website

Timothy Juskiewicz, Board Secretary | Minooka Community High School District 111 Website

Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Nov. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Mike Brozovich. The meeting was held at Minooka Community High School-Central Campus in the Library. A physical quorum was present with the following board members answering roll call:  

                                             YES    NO 

• Mike Brozovich                     X 

• Laura Hrechko                      X 

• Tim Juskiewicz                      X via remotely  

• Mike Hoyt                              X  

• Jim Grzetich                          X 

• Matt Shepard                        X  

• Terry Spivey                          X 

Additionally, present were: 

• Dr. Rob Schiffbauer              X 

• John Troy                              X 

• Dr. Phillip Pakowski              X 

• Kristi Boe                              X 

• Jamie Soliman                      X 

• Michele Williamson               X 

There were no objections from board members to name Mike Hoyt Secretary Pro Tem for the meeting. Time: 6:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Board members honored the following students from the Technology Student Association who participated in the State Technology Day at Illinois State University:

Noah Malone, Vincent Wagner, Emma Bozinovich, Brooklyn Hedberg, Kadence Range, William Dykstra, Jaisin Ramirez, Edward Fabrizio, Nathan Garbrecht, Ayden Hollingsworth, Taylor Rodriguez, and Kara Stoedter


There were no public comments heard.


Administrative reports were provided in the board packet for review.

Dr. Schiffbauer commended the TSA and Mrs. North for the hard work they put in. The School Report Card is now available and will be discussed in detail at the December regular meeting. Dr. Pakowski, Mrs. Soliman and the Department Chairs are currently analyzing the PSAT and the Freshman/Sophomore’s practice test data. He also noted that Parent/Community, Student and Staff groups all have met and were found to be very productive with thoughtful feedback. The next round of meetings will be December 6 and 7th. Dr. Schiffbauer added that he will keep board members informed of the dates and are more than welcome to attend.


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Shepard, to approve the consent agenda as presented:

A. Open Session Minutes

1. October 18, 2023 – Regular Board Meeting

B. Financial Reports

1. Monthly Financial Reports

2. Payment of Bills/Total

3. Employee Payroll

4. Imprest Fund Report/Total

5. Activity Fund Report

6. Treasurer’s Report (Cash/YTD – Exp/Rev)

7. End-of-the Month Bills for Payment on November 15, 2023

Voting Aye: Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, Spivey, Juskiewicz, Hoyt, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:10 p.m. Discussion

Education Foundation Update:

The District #111 Foundation for Education Excellence update was provided in the board packet for review. The Foundation met on November 7th and the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party was discussed which will be held on December 1st.

Policy Review:

The November Policy Review was provided in the board packet for review. As a review Dr. Schiffbauer went over the following policies:

• 2:120 Board Member Development

• 7:10 Equal Education Opportunities

• 7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights - Notification of Rights

• 7:70 Attendance and Truancy

• 7:80 Release Time for Religious/Observance

Dr. Schiffbauer added that although chronic absenteeism went from 32% last year to 25% this, he would like to survey students and investigate the reasons behind student absenteeism.

PRESS Packet 113 (First Reading to be held on December 20, 2023)

The draft of Press Packet 113 as well as questions for the packet were provided in the board packet for review. Dr. Schiffbauer noted that policy 3:30 adds a day off for the 2024 General Election for consideration, policy 6:30 is in regards to the dangers of Fentanyl which is currently in the health curriculum. Native American history has been added in the packet and this to has already been incorporated in the curriculum. For policy 7:270 Dr. Schiffbauer added that he will continue to monitor what Press adds in regards to the use of Narcan. There were no questions or concerns for a first reading to be held on December 20, 2023.

Request to Donate Printmaker Enlarger Equipment:

A request to donate printmaker enlarger equipment was provided in the board packet for review. Ten enlargers were purchased in 2002 these have not been used in many years. Evanston High School has a need for the equipment. There were no objections to donate the equipment and this is anticipated for approval at the end of the regular board meeting.


FY24 Curriculum Proposal – Second Reading and Adoption:

The 2024-2025 Curriculum Guide was provided in the board packet for review. There were no questions or concerns and a second reading and adoption is anticipated for the December Regular Meeting.

Buildings and Grounds

Construction Meeting Minutes for Office Building Remodel:

A change order request for the elevator/maintenance program was included in the board packet for review. Mr. Troy added this will bring the elevator inspections up to date and a maintenance contract during the construction. The change order request is in the amount of $10,050 for the Elevator Inspection/Maintenance program which contains two annual inspections and a seven-month maintenance contract. There were no objections and this is anticipated for approval at the regular board meeting

The weekly construction meeting minutes for the October 31, 2023 was also provided in the board packet for review. There were no questions or concerns.


Security Agreement:

The Collateral Security Agreement with Western Alliance Bank was provided in the board packet for review. Mr. Troy noted that all the investments are compliant and within the FDIC limits with board policy. The district currently has three CDs with Western Alliance Bank and the collateral security agreement complies with the Public Funds Investment Act. There were no questions or concerns and it is anticipated for approval at the regular board meeting.

Investment Portfolio:

The Total Portfolio Report managed by PMA was provided in the board packet for review. Per Board Policy 4:30 the Chief Investment Officer shall provide a quarterly report to the Board of Education. Mr. Troy added that the CD rates range from 5.1% - 5.5% and they are generating a significant amount of income for the district. There were no concerns raised.

FY 24 Tentative Levy:

The 2023 Tax Levy PowerPoint presentation was provided in the board packet for review. Mr. Troy reported that the Tax Levy Hearing will be held at the December regular meeting. The EAV had a 53% increase between 2016 and 2022 which is reflective of the property value in the area and the education received in the school district. The 2023 Levy request is for $48,434,500 dollars and the 2023 estimated extension is $46,680,363.64 which is calculated to a $2.286 estimated tax rate for the 2023 Levy. Mr. Troy added that the amounts in the Capital and Working Cash funds puts the district in the position to fund the capital improvements over the next few years. There were no questions or concerns and the Tax Levy Hearing will be held in December.


Approval and Adoption of the FY24 Curriculum as presented:

Regular Meeting Page 4 of 6 Wednesday, November 8, 2023 MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Hrechko to approve and adopt the FY 24 Curriculum Guide as presented. Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 6:36 p.m.

Approval to Donate Printmaker Enlarger Equipment as presented:

MOTION: by Shepard, seconded by Spivey to approve the donation of Printmaker Enlarger Equipment as presented: Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 6:36 p.m.

Approval of the Security Agreement as presented:

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Grzetich to approve the Security Agreement as presented. Voting Aye: Spivey, Juskiewicz, Hoyt, Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion was approved. Time: 6:37 p.m.

Approval to Post the FY24 Tentative Levy as presented:

MOTION: by Hoyt, seconded by Grzetich, to approve posting the FY24 Tentative Levy as presented Voting Aye: Hoyt, Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, Spivey, Juskiewicz, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:37 p.m.

Approval of the Change Order as presented.

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Grzetich to approve the Change Order as presented.

Voting Aye: Hoyt, Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, Spivey, Juskiewicz and Brozovich. Motion was approved. Time: 6:38 p.m.


MOTION: by Hoyt, seconded by Spivey to adjourn the meeting to executive session for the purpose of discussing matters related to minutes, the appointment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, employment and performance of specific employees of the district, and individual student discipline.

Voting Aye: Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, Spivey, Juskiewicz, Hoyt, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:38 p.m.


MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Shepard to return to open session.

Hearing no objections. Motion was approved. Time: 7:15 p.m.


Closed Session Minutes

MOTION: by Hoyt, seconded by Hrechko, to approve the closed session minutes as presented:

• October 18, 2023 Executive Regular Meeting

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 7:19 p.m.



MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Spivey, to accept the following resignation(s) as presented:

Jamie Fisher – Teacher – Science eff. 6/30/2023- Retirement

Nick Clemmons – Basketball Assistant Coach (Boys) – eff. 10/24/2023

Cathy Haase – Transportation Director – eff. 5/21/2024 – Retirement

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 7:20 p.m.


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Spivey, to accept the following leaves of absence as presented:

Megan Caldwell – Teacher – English, from approximately 4/2/2024 – 5/2/2024 (Days TBD) under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Nora Marren – Teacher – World Language/Fine Arts from approximately 3/22/2024 – 5/24/2024 (Days TBD) under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Brooke Brenczewski – Administrative Assistant – Student Services, from approximately 11/20/2023 – 5/4/2024 (Days TBD) under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Julie Creagh – Teacher – English, from approximately 11/14/2023 – 5/22/2024 (Days TBD) under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 7:20 p.m.


MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Shepard, to approve the employment of the following support staff member(s) as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111 Administration:

Michelle Mendygral - Administrative Assistant - Transportation ($17.25/hr.)

Shemeada Johnson - Bus Aide - Transportation - Step 1

Barbara Lowry - Bus Aide - Transportation - Step 1

Voting Aye: Spivey, Juskiewicz, Hoyt, Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 7:21 p.m.

MOTION: by Hoyt, seconded by Hrechko, to approve the following extracurricular employment for the 2023/2024 school year as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111


Trevor Hudak - Basketball Assistant Coach (Boys) - Step 1

Gabriella Charlebois - Wrestling Assistant Coach (Girls) - Step 1 (1/2 stipend)

Jenna Temple - FFA Head Sponsor - Step 1

Georgia Kaminiski - Band Section Instructor - Sponsor - Step 1

Kade Frieders - Band Section Instructor - Sponsor - Step 1

Rick Undesser - French NHS - Sponsor - Step 24

Aiden Madonia - Percussion Instructor - Sponsor - Step 1

Joe Cecala - Wrestling Assistant Coach (Girls) - Step 1 (1/2 stipend)

Voting Aye: Juskiewicz, Hoyt, Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, Spivey, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 7:22 p.m.

MOTION: by Shepard, seconded by Grzetich to approve the accident settlement agreement as presented. Voting Aye: Spivey, Juskiewicz, Hoyt, Hrechko, Grzetich, Shepard, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 7:22 p.m.


MOTION: by Shepard, seconded by Shepard to adjourn the meeting.

Regular Meeting Page 6 of 6 Wednesday, November 8, 2023 Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Motion carried. Time: 7:23 p.m.
