
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Minooka Village Board met Dec. 19

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Village of Minooka Officials | Facebook

Village of Minooka Officials | Facebook

Village of Minooka Village Board met Dec. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President, Ric Offerman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustees present: Barry Thompson, Ray Mason, Robin White, Dennis Martin, Terry Houchens and Gabriela Martinez Also present: Dan Duffy-Village Administrator, Ryan Anderson-Superintendent of Public Works, Chief Justin Meyer, Village Engineer-Sean Kelly, Village Finance Director-Austin Haacke,

Village Attorney-Chris Spesia, Village Clerk-Orsola Evola.

Public Forum-Nancy Norton from GEDC was present and gifted the Village a plaque as a Token of their Appreciation for 30 years.

Representatives from Lantana and Water Lily Solar were present. They wanted to talk about Water Lily and about moving the donation parcel. They mentioned CoMed made a mistake; they can’t move north, we need to move it back to the southwest corner. The Representatives went through options with the board in hopes of giving Comed a consensus by December 29. The consensus was to go with 4 poles.

Resident D. Ryan was present representing 8 neighbors. He wanted to express that he and his neighbors do not want CN to come to Minooka. If this happens, someone is going to die. CN blocks rail crossings. This concerns me about school and the police chief will be busy with accidents. Mayor Offerman let Mr. Ryan know we agreed with all his concerns and are not for CN either. We have advised CN we are not interested.

Changes to Agenda-none

Review of the Village Board meeting minutes from November 28, 2023

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve the November 28, 2023 minutes as presented.

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Bills and Transfers

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Bills and Transfers

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report

Trustee Martin moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer's Report

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Consent Agenda

Resolution 23R-3607approving Change Order #1 for Rio Poco Control Project $5,000.75 Resolution 23R-3608 approving Pay Request #5 (partial) Rio Poco Control Project $18,102.96

Resolution 23R-3609 approving Change Order #5 for Deerpath Erosion Project $8,195 Resolution 23R-3610 approving Pay Request #5 (final) for Deerpath Erosion Project $47,712.95 Resolution 23R-3611 approving Pay Request #7 for I-80 North Utilities Extension Project $260,680.04 Resolution 23R-3612 approving Pay Request #1(partial) for barn and crib demolition $37,830 Resolution 23R-3613 approving Pay Request #1(final) for sanitary sewer televising and cleaning $32,219.10

Resolution 23R-3614 approving Pay Request #1 (final) for the 2023 Sidewalk Saw Cutting Program $59,964

Resolution 23R-3615 approving Pay Request #1(partial) for the Mondamin Street sidewalk addition $34,325

Resolution 23R-3616 approving Pay request #2 (final) for Quonset Hut on Mondamin demolition $6,500 Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agendas Items as presented.

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Unfinished Business-none

New Business

Resolution approving IGA for phase 2, 3, construction and land acquisition for McEvilly Road Multi-use trail bridge update

Trustee Houchens moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3617 approving IGA for phase 2, 3, construction and land acquisition for McEvilly Road Multi-Use Trail Bridge Update

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Resolution approving Sludge Hauling Contract extension and rate increase $24.95 per ton $44,910.00

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve the amended Resolution 23R 3618 approving Sludge Hauling Contract extension

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Resolution approving 2024 MFT fund appropriation - $874,600.00

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3619 approving MFT Fund Appropriation

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Resolution approving 2024 MFT engineering contract - $132,025.00

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3620 approving 2024 MFT Engineering Contract

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Resolution Accepting Low Bidder to Independent Mechanical Industries Inc of Elk Grove Village for

WWTP upgrades, Contingent on IEPA Funding Approval ($5,345,000)

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3621 accepting low bidder to Independent Mechanical Industries

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Mason, White

Nays: Martinez

Absent: None

Motion carried

Ordinance Approving Variance-202 Woodland Drive

Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Thompson seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-55 approving Variance for 202 Woodland Drive

Ayes: Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: Houchens

Absent: None

Motion carried

Ordinance Approving amended Personnel Policy Manual

Trustee Mason moved, Trustee Martinez seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-56 approving the amended Personnel Policy Manual

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Ordinance declaring Village Surplus Property (Police )

Trustee Martinez moved, Trustee White seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-57 declaring Village Surplus Property (Police)

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Minooka, Grundy, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois, to Borrow Funds from the Water Pollution Control Loan Program and Repealing Ordinance No. 2022-36

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 23-58 authorizing the Village of Minooka, Grundy, Kendall and Will counties to borrow funds from the Water Pollution Control Loan Program and Repealing Ordinance No. 2022-36

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Liquor Commission Report

Resolution approving Class E Liquor License-March 3, 2024

Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23R-3622 approving Class E Liquor License

Ayes: Houchens, Martin, Thompson, Martinez, Mason, White

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried

Annexation Committee Report- none

Executive Session-none

Action from Executive Session-none

As Appropriate- Trustee Thompson wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mayor Offerman mentioned the December 29 event at the Village Hall called Dinos and Flamingos.

Adjournment- Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. All Ayes.
