
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met Jan. 18

Webp 15

Adam Cross, Superintendent | Bluford Unit School District 318 Website

Adam Cross, Superintendent | Bluford Unit School District 318 Website

Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met Jan. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Jenny Sneed called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Jessica Case, Katelyn Lewis, Monica Marlow, Doug Shafer, and Angela Schrum. Superintendent Adam Cross, Principals Amanda Strothschein and Dr. Ryan Robinson and Kim McCormick. Visitors were April Flexter and Ashley Snow.

Motion: Schrum-"to approve the consent agenda."

Second: Case

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Superintendent's report, principal's reports and maintenance reports were discussed.

Motion: Shafer-"to go to executive session at 6:26 p.m."

Second: Lewis

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTOIN CARRIED.

Motion: Lewis-"to come out of executive session at 7:03 p.m."

Second: Case

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Case-"to accept letter of resignation from Sherri Cramer as High School supervisor/aide effective end of the 2023-24 school year."

Second: Lewis

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Schrum-"to post for a High school supervisor/aide at Webber High for the 2024-25 school year."

Second: Shafer

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Lewis-"to hire Olivia Heinzman as 3rd grade teacher for 2024-25 school at Bluford Grade School."

Second: Shafer

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Shafer-"to hire Allyson Jones at 5th Grade teacher at Bluford School for the 2024-25 year."

Second: Lewis

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Schrum-"to approve Chad Shreeves as volunteer assistant Jr High Bowling coach for the 2023-24 season."

Second: Case

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Case, Lewis, M. Marlow, Shafer, Schrum, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion: Lewis-"to adjourn at 7:14 p.m."

Second: Case

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.
