
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Feb. 26

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Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford, Provost | John A Logan College Website

Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford, Provost | John A Logan College Website

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Feb. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, on Monday, February 26, 2024, commencing at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was open to the public and streamed on the College's YouTube channel.

Chairman Bill Kilquist called the meeting to order and directed the recording secretary to call the roll.

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Brent Clark -- present

Bill Kilquist -- present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron R. Smith -- present

Magnus Noble -- present

Also present were President Dr. Kirk Overstreet, Legal Counsel Rhett Barke, Provost Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford, Vice-President of Business Services and CFO Dr. Susan LaPanne, Recording Secretary Susan May, and other College personnel.

Chairman Kilquist led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no public comments.


Kemper CPA Group – FY 2023 Annual Audit

Kemper CPA auditor Ashley Norten presented the FY 2023 Audit Report to the Board of Trustees. The audit issued an unmodified opinion or clean report. This year, the College implemented a new Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement for subscription-based information technology arrangements (SBITAs), reflected in the accounting statements. Ms. Norten reported that no deficiencies were identified in internal control, and no investments were exposed to custodial credit risk. According to the Schedule of Legal Debt Margin, the College is in a good position, and the Board expressed interest in how the College's position compares to other community colleges. The auditors tested three federal programs this year: Student Financial Aid, HEERF Funding, and the Childcare Resource and Referral Program. Ms. Norton reported that one finding was issued over enrollment reporting on two students, which had already been corrected.

Trustee Aaron Smith thanked Ms. Norten for her report.


A. Chairman's Report

No report.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Trustee Brent Clark reported that the JALC basketball teams were winding down their seasons. Logan Baseball is off to an 11-2 start this year, and ten athletes have committed to continuing their academic and athletic careers at the next level. Logan Softball is off to a good start with a 10-4 4 record and is ranked 11th in the country. The Logan Fitness facility has plans to extend its hours to 24/7 beginning May 16.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that a Board Building Committee meeting was held this month to discuss the Baseball/Softball Player Development Facility, where directions were given to proceed with the bidding process. The bids were opened on Thursday, February 22, and all bids received were significantly over budget. Value engineering of the project will occur to get the project within budget. The College awaits a notice from the Capital Development Board (CDB) to proceed with the West Lobby Elevator and C & E Wing Renovation projects. Construction documents for the Career and Technical Education Renovation will be completed in May, and bidding will occur in June.

D. Board Policy Committee

Trustee Rebecca Borgsmiller reported that the Board Policy Committee met on February 14 and approved seven policies for this month's first reading. Trustee Borgsmiller asked the members to review the changes that will be voted on at next month's meeting.

D. Budget and Finance Committee

Trustee Aaron Smith reported that the Budget and Finance Committee met with the Kemper CPA auditors to review the audit. He commented that this was an excellent audit and a good reflection on the College and the administration.

E. Decennial Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the Decennial Committee will meet on March 26 to review the final report.

F. Integrated Technology Committee

No report.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Aaron Smith reported that ICCTA held their meeting at the ACCT Legislative Summit in Washington, DC, where he attended along with Student Trustee Noble and President Overstreet. In Washington, they had the opportunity to meet with Senators Duckwork and Durbin, where they learned that the Congressionally Directed Spending grant awarded to the College for our healthcare building had been earmarked and may not be available until 2025.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Foundation hosted a Bingo luncheon for the JALC Retiree's Group in January. The Foundation holds these quarterly events to show their appreciation and provide opportunities to reconnect and hear about all the great things happening at JALC. The Foundation Italian Dinner, catered by Joe's Pizza and Pasta, is set for February 28.

I. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Magnus Noble reported that the Student Senate held a focus group regarding course material costs and will provide a report towards the end of the semester. The Student Senate will host appreciation luncheons this semester for the Perkins Office staff, Foundation Office staff, and Dr. Jane Bryant. Student Senate Officer elections will occur on May 8, and two candidates are campaigning for the Student Trustee election on March 6. Student Senate has partnered with the Foundation to host fundraising events for the Foundation Book Fund and has tentatively scheduled a community-wide fundraising event for June 13.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is collaborating with the College's executive leadership to create info graphs on the various transfer planning pathways available through John A. Logan College. The annual induction ceremony for PTK will be held on March 21.

The ICCB Student Advisory Committee (SAC) will hold its final meeting of the year at Sauk Valley College on March 26. The Student Advocacy Lobby Day will be held on April 18 in Springfield, which will focus on course materials and open education resources. Student Trustee Noble will attend the next IBHE SAC meeting on March 13 at Monmouth College.

Dr. Brian Durham has invited Trustee Noble to join the Higher Education Futures Tables (HEFT) to work on transfer pathways. This initiative aims to reduce the time and cost for career and transfer students and reduce the likelihood of transfer students taking more than the required course hours.

Trustee Noble reported on the ACCT National Legislative Summit, where they met Katie Keller from the Office of U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, who oversees grant funding for the lower 97 counties in Illinois. He said it was a great experience where he spent quality time with other student trustees from Illinois and throughout the country.


A. Faculty Association Report

Association President Dr. Jane Bryant extended her appreciation for the forum event held with the health insurance brokers and looked forward to receiving the survey results. She also thanked the Board for considering the department chair positions, faculty candidates for tenure, and approval of the 2024-2025 faculty academic contracts.


Alliance for Innovation and Transformation (AFIT)

President Overstreet, Stephanie Chaney Hartford, and Stephanie Harner will attend the Alliance for Innovation and Transformation (AFIT) Conference in Arizona. Additional staff will be eligible to participate in a follow-up conference this summer focusing on artificial intelligence usage in higher education.

All Southern High School Theatre Production Company (ASHTIP)

John A. Logan College will host the All Southern High School Theatre Production Company (ASHTIP) summer camps this year. President Overstreet commented that this is an excellent opportunity for JALC and looks forward to having high school students from all over southern Illinois on the College's campus.

Black History Month

John A. Logan College celebrated Black History Month with several sessions organized by Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toyin Fox. President Overstreet thanked Toyin for her work in developing these events.

National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy

President Overstreet has been invited to serve on the National Council for the Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy, a new council unveiled by the White House. President Overstreet will participate in the panel to engage our nation's presidents to foster cyber-security education across the United States. John A. Logan College is one of two major colleges in Illinois that hold the National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity designation.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month

President Overstreet reported that ICCB Executive Director Dr. Brian Durham toured the college for CTE Month, which included welding demonstrations, auto body paint simulators, and criminal justice training simulators. Architectural renderings for the CTE building renovations and additions project were unveiled. President Overstreet commented that this expansion project will modernize our career and technical teaching and training abilities and be an asset to southern Illinois.


Provost Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford reported that the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Scholarship Program (ECACE) had awarded an additional $67,000 in funding to be used in part to develop a Makers Space in the Library.

The College received an ICCB grant of just under $50,000 to support a virtual reality hardware and software project and equipment for criminal justice that will be used for recruitment and training.

The College received a $272,769 state award from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, which will be utilized to buy equipment for the new CTE Buildings.

NCLEX Pass Rates

Provost Hartford reported that the Associate Degree Nursing students had a 96 percent pass rate on their NCLEX exam compared to the state average of 85 percent. LPN pass rates were 97 percent compared to the state average of 88 percent. Dr. Hartford acknowledged Dr. Kristin Yosanovich for all her efforts with these programs.

JALC Forensics Team

Provost Hartford reported that the JALC Forensics Team is competing around the state, including a debater who will be competing in a two-year international public debate in Illinois. Dr. Hartford acknowledged Coach Pat Idzik and volunteer coaches Anthony Zarinara, Jon Gunzel, and Dustin Myers.


Faculty member Andrew Carr and professional staff members Jordan Mays, Joseph Dethrow, and Amanda Shelby attended the Illinois Community College Assessment Fair at the College of Lake County this past week.

Recruitment Events

John A. Logan College is partnering with the SIU Masters and Public Administration Program to host an event for female junior high and high school students selected by their school counselors. The event will focus on self-confidence and self-esteem and provide hair care technique instruction from our Cosmetology Program students.

Over 200 district high school students have registered for Humanities Day with keynote speaker Dr. Aaron Lawler.

Early college registration will be conducted in the high schools beginning March 5. A registration drive is also underway to encourage current students to sign up for advising appointments for the summer and fall registrations.

Child Care Resource and Referral will host New York Times #1 best-selling author Eric Litwin on Saturday. Mr. Litwin is known for the Pete the Cat children series. Over 200 people have registered for this event, funded by the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Scholarship Program.


A. Course Fees Effective Fall 2024

Course fees approved by President Overstreet were reported to the Board of Trustees in accordance with Board Policy 7315, Establishment of Fees. The fees shall be effective Fall 2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year.

B. Nutanix Datacenter Disaster Recovery Site

The College purchased a subscription service to Nutanix's Datacenter systems platform for $55,000, approved in the FY 2024 budget. This purchase is through the IPHEC Contract with CDWG and is exempt from bidding in accordance with the Illinois Public Community College Act, 110 ILCS 805/3- 27 and Board Policy 7154. This subscription service is through April 2025.

C. Personnel

President Overstreet approved the retirement requests of Debra Russell, Professor of Practical Nursing, effective June 1, 2024; Karla Tabing, Director of Logan Academy, effective June 1, 2024; and Susan May, Director of Legislative Affairs and Special Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees, effective January 1, 2025.

President Overstreet accepted the resignation of Chrissy Confer, CCR & R Toddler Specialist, effective February 10, 2024.


Chairman Kilquist asked if there were any Consent Agenda items the Board would like to pull for further discussion or a separate vote. Hearing none, Chairman Kilquist presented Consent Agenda Items A – L for approval:

A. FY 2023 Annual Audit Report

Approved the FY 2023 Annual Audit as presented.

B. Renewal Energy Certificate

Approved a new Renewal Energy certificate, effective Fall 2025.

February 26, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 10

C. Academic Calendar for 2025 – 2026

Approved the 2025-2026 academic calendar as presented.

D. Bobcat Lease Buyout

Approved the lease buyout from Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services for the Bobcat T76 T4 Compact Track Loader for $27,387.32.

E. Maker Space Project

Approved the renovation project expense for the Maker Space not to exceed $65,000 using ICCB FY 24 Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) grant funding.

F. Parking Lot A Cameras & Public Address System

Approved the Parking Lot A Cameras and Public Address System project and awarded the bid to W. J. Burke Electric Co., for a total cost of $55,000.

G. Department Chair Positions

Approved Jason Stutes, Applied Technology; Andrew Carr, Business, Computer Science, and Mathematics; and Rebecca Corbit, Life and Physical Science, for a one-year term as department chair effective June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

H. Faculty Candidates for Tenure

Approved the President's tenure recommendations and academic rank promotions to Assistant Professor for Wade (Ryan) Dover, Hannah Henson, Torrey Holland, Patrick Idzik, Sumar (Kane) McDonald, and Connie Robinson.

I. Personnel Action Items (Appendix A)

Approved the employment and ratification of personnel as recommended by President Overstreet.

J. Expenditure Report

Approved the monthly Expenditure Report for the period ending January 31, 2024.

K. Treasurer's and Financial Report

Approved the Treasurer's and Financial report for the period ending December 31, 2023.

L. Minutes

Approved the minutes of the January 23, 2024 regular meeting.

Glenn Poshard and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Consent Agenda Items A – L, as presented.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4346)


A. Board Policy Revisions for First Reading

The Board Policy Committee presented revisions to the following policies to the Board of Trustees for first reading. Policy revisions will be available for employee comment and will be presented to the Board for final action on March 26, 2024:

Board Policy 8317 – Title IX

Board Policy 8312 – Title IX for Students

Board Policy 8242 – Transferring Credit to John A. Logan College

Board Policy 8210 – College-Level Examination Program

Board Policy 8220 – Proficiency Credit

Board Policy 8240 – Acceptance of Vocational Credit

Board Policy 8241 – Accepting Advanced Placement


Mandy Little and Magnus Noble moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4347)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
