
North Egypt News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bethel Grade School District #82 Board of Education met April 25

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Bethany Matthews has been named 2024 Southern Regional Teacher of the Year for the State of Illinois | Facebook

Bethany Matthews has been named 2024 Southern Regional Teacher of the Year for the State of Illinois | Facebook

Bethel Grade School District #82 Board of Education met April 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Approval of the Consent Agenda (A)

a. Approval of agenda

b. Approve and sign the minutes of the special meetings on April 10, 2024, April 17, 2024, and the regular meeting on March 21, 2024.

c. Approve bills, payroll, and Treasurer’s Report

d. Approve the Partnership Agreement with Land of Lincoln Americorps.

e. Update Board Policy 4:170.

f. Update Board Policy 4:140.

g. Update Board Policy 6:270.

h. Update Board Policy 7:190.

3. Acknowledgment of B.E.A. Representative

4. Acknowledgment and comments of visitors.

5. Old Business

a. Apptegy demonstration with potential action on a multi-year contract.

6. New Business

a. Approval of 2024-25 Consolidated District Plan. (A)

b. Set budget amendment hearing date and time. (A)

c. Approve Soils Boring Proposal. (A)

d. Summarize and discuss the results of the Regional Office of Education’s Compliance Visit.

7. Closed session

a. Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees (5ILCS120/2 (c) (1).

b. Information regarding Pending Litigation.

8. Possible Closed Session Action

9. Personnel

a. Employ a Kindergarten Teacher for the 24-25 School Year. (A)

b. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Bethel Education Association and Board of Education. (A)

10. Superintendent’s Report

11. Adjourn (A)
