
North Egypt News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Sesser City Council met July 11

Webp 33

Travis Zettler, Alderman - Ward 3 | City of Sesser

Travis Zettler, Alderman - Ward 3 | City of Sesser

City of Sesser City Council met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Sesser City Council was held on Thursday, July 11, 2024. It was called to order by Mayor Ashmore at 6:3 PM. Prayer was led by alderman David Bates. The pledge of allegiance was said, and Mayor Ashmore asked for Veterans to remain standing and thanked them for their service.

Clerk Stacey called the roll--Rose Bochantin--here, Dana Laur—here, Wayne Shannon--here, Travis Zettler--here, David Bates--here, Jeff Hamburger--here.

A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and 2nd by David Bates to approve the minutes for the regular June meeting with the correction of Item # 1 TIF agreement with Terry Newman should be on South Walnut, not North Walnut. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #1--TIF

Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF resolution with Kristy Alexander, dba Iron Horse Bar and Grille for repairs and rehab of the building at 206 East Franklin Street. A motion was made to approve a TIF agreement with Kristy Alexander, dba Iron Horse Bar and Grille at the property at 206 East Franklin Street by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by Wayne Shannon in the amount of $25,000.00 upon completion. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with Tim Pierce for the demo and removal of the dilapidated building at 914 S. Walnut. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Dana Laur to approve a TIF agreement with Tim Pierce for the demo and removal of the building at 914 S. Walnut Street in the amount of $8,990.00 upon completion. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with Angela Atchison for the demo and removal of the dilapidated structure at 305 West North Street. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the TIF agreement with Angela Atchison for the demo and removal of the structure at 305 West North Street by the only bidder Lappin Trucking in the amount of $970.00 plus $150.00 per load of clay to fill cistern as needed. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #2

Mayor Ashmore explained the DRA Engineering Contractor’s pay estimate #1. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Dana Laur to approve the DRA Engineering Contractor’s pay estimate #1—final to Visu-Sewer of Missouri in the amount of $43,741.50. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion Carried.

Agenda Item #3

Mayor Ashmore explained the DRA Engineering Change Order #1—final with a decrease in contact amount by $4,708.50. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and seconded by David Bates to approve the DRA Engineering Change Order #1—final with a decrease in contract amount by $4,708.50 for sewer televising—New contract price is $43,741.50. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #4

Mayor Ashmore explained the DRA Engineering Services invoice #1 in the amount of $8,000.00 for sewer televising. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the DRA Engineering Services invoice #1 in the amount of $8,000.00 for sewer televising payable to Brown and Roberts. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #5

Mayor Ashmore explained the purchase/lease of a new copier/printer for the water department. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the purchase/lease of a new copier/printer for the water department at the cost of $100.00 per month for 60 months. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #6

Mayor Ashmore explained the need to purchase a new computer for the mayor’s office. A motion was made by Dana Laur and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the purchase of a new computer for the mayor’s office from Northbridge in the amount of $1,863.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #7

Mayor Ashmore explained the purchase of the new cameras for the city park to cover the new bathrooms. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by David Bates to approve the purchase of two new cameras for the park to cover the new bathrooms from Novacom at a cost of $1,697.93. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #8

Mayor Ashmore explained the membership dues for National League of Cities (NLC). A motion was made by Travis Zettler and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve paying the membership dues of $613 for the city’s NLC membership. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion. Carried.

Agenda Item #9

Mayor Ashmore explained the annual resolution #15-2024 for the Road Rebels Car Show on August 17, 2024. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and David Bates to approve and pass Resolution #15-2024 a resolution for road closure on August 17, 2024 from 3—10 PM at the 4 way stop and the two blocks proceeding on E 154 and the block proceeding on 148 in each direction for the Road Rebels Car Show. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #10

Mayor Ashmore explained the Stump removal bid. A motion was made by Dana Laur and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the estimate for stump removal from BAM Industries in the amount of $1,232.00 for the removal of 5 stumps. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #11

Mayor Ashmore explained that there were several conferences coming up that he would like to attend. A motion was by Wayne Shannon and seconded by Travis Zettler to approve for the mayor to attend the conferences as presented: NLC--$2,425.00, IDA--$2,700.00, IML--$1,700.00, NLC Summit--$3,930.00 and Hope Global--$2,720.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #12

Mayor Ashmore explained donation to the Ministerial Alliance. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Dana Laur to approve the donation to the Ministerial Alliance in the amount of $600.00 to help with the costs of summer lunch program and the monthly giveaways. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #13

Mayor Ashmore explained the proposed new rates of pay for aldermen and other elected officials. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the new rates of pay for elected officials as follows: Aldermen--$250.00 per month, Mayor--$800.00 per month, City Clerk--$800.00 per month and will begin for newly elected/re-elected officials on May 1, 2025. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #14

Mayor Ashmore explained that the new water/sewer rates have already been approved, but we need to pass the ordinance to update them in the ordinance book. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by David Bates to pass ordinance #2-2024 amending Chapter 38 of the revised code of ordinance stating the new water and sewer rates that were approved at the May city council meeting. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #15

Mayor Ashmore explained the new bids on the Opera House Renovations s tabulated by Andrew Kelly Consulting. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Dana Laur to approve the low bidders on the Opera House Renovation rebid as presented: Culbertson Heating and Cooling---$66,130.00, Martin Roofing--$75,874.00, Mason’s Masonry--$192,380.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #16

Mayor Ashmore discussed the payment to the Opera House Engineering firm. The motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the payment to the Opera House Engineering firm of Hurst-Roesch in the amount of $20,803.85. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #17

Mayor Ashmore presented the information from the First Apostolic Church and Back to School event they are hosting. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and seconded by David Bates to approve a donation to the Back-to-School Event hosted by the First Apostolic Church in the amount of $600.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Attorney Bigler—moving forward on property at 110 East Lucretia.

Mayor Ashmore asked the council to approve all reports by consent agenda. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by David Bates to approve the consent agenda (all reports presented from departments). All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Public comments:

Patty Utley spoke about the windows that were not used in her home from the grant and what to do with them. Mayor Ashmore said he would help her.

Clerk Stacey read correspondence from Franklin County Edge student Catrina Russell—thanking the city for supporting the Edge program.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM by Wayne Shannon and 2nd by David Bates. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Adjourned at 7:45 PM.
