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Sunday, February 23, 2025

C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Oct. 8

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C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District | C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District

C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District | C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District

C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Oct. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Budget Meeting session began at 7:00pm. Those present were President Crider, Hannah Greever, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome, Director Bill Pixley, and Assistant Director Esther Curry. Sharon Yearwood attended by Zoom. No one from the public was present at the budget meeting. President Crider made a motion to adjourn the budget meeting. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 PM.

The regular board meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by President Amanda Crider. Those present were President Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome, Director Bill Pixley, and Assistant Director Esther Curry. Sharon Yearwood attended by Zoom. Audience to Visitors: Reece Rutland

Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was previously presented to the board members. As there were no additions or corrections to the minutes, Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the September 10, 2024 minutes. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood voted in favor of the motion. ROLL CALL #1 was approved 7-0.

Correspondence: Director Pixley shared that the library received a thank-you letter to the staff and several tax appeal letters.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Metcalf gave the following report:

First Community Bank

General Operating Fund $ 369,605.00

Working Cash Fund 199,942.00

Special Reserve Fund 1,723,845.00

TOTAL $ 2,293,392.00

Director Pixley requested that $100,000 be moved from savings to checking. Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; pay the September bills; and transfer $100,000 from savings to checking. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. All in favor were Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood: ROLL CALL #2 was approved 7-0.

Director’s Report: Director Pixley reported that the treasurer’s bond will now only be 10 percent instead of 50 percent, which will be a significant cost savings for the library.

Staff Reports: The children’s department reported good attendance for story time and book club. Adult programming also had good attendance with 32 for game day and 19 in attendance for September book club.

Report of Officers: 

President: None.

Treasurer: None.

Standing Committees:

Finance: None.

Personnel: None.

Policy: None.

Bldg and Grounds: None.

Community Relations: None.

Special Committees:

Concept Design Committee:

Annex Committee:

Illinois Heartland Library System: None.

Shakespeare Foundation: Bob Metcalf reported that the account for the Shakespeare Club Foundation is at an all-time high of $914,631.20.

Unfinished Business: 

1. Library expansion: Report from Reece Rutland: Reece reported that after several key meetings over the past month, which included donation platforms as well as other knowledgeable individuals in the community, a more realistic approach will be to scale back the project. Reece will plan to look into possible federal grants, and also offered to pause his role while the board considers how to move forward. The annex committee will plan to meet to discuss next steps for the project.

New Business:

1. Reading and approval of Budget Ordinance - Hannah Greever made a motion to waive the second reading and approve the budget ordinance. Amanda Crider seconded the motion. All in favor were Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, and Linda Woodrome. Sharon Yearwood was no longer present on Zoom. ROLL CALL #3 was approved 6-0.

2. Reading and approval of Levy Ordinance - Linda Woodrome made a motion to waive the second reading and approve the levy ordinance. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. All in favor were Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Alyson Morris, Linda Woodrome. Sharon Yearwood was no longer present on Zoom. ROLL CALL #4 was approved 6-0.

3. Schedule Annex Committee meeting - Committee members will communicate over email to arrange a time to meet.

Closed Session: None.

Adjournment: Hannah Greever made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion carried. ROLL CALL #5 was approved 6-0. President Crider adjourned the meeting at 7:58 PM.
