
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Oct. 29

Webp 7

Kirk Overstreet, Ph.D. - President | John A Logan College Website

Kirk Overstreet, Ph.D. - President | John A Logan College Website

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Oct. 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, commencing at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was open to the public and streamed on the College's YouTube channel.

Chairman Bill Kilquist called the meeting to order and directed the recording secretary to call the roll.

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Brent Clark -- present

Bill Kilquist -- present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron R. Smith -- present

Madilyn Kerrigan -- present

Also present were President Dr. Kirk Overstreet, Legal Counsel Rhett Barke, Provost Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford, Vice-President of Business Services and CFO Dr. Susan LaPanne, Recording Secretary Susan May, and other College personnel.

Chairman Kilquist led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Logan Operational staff members, Heather Marks and Lisa Nagle shared their concerns and desire for increased wages as they proceed with negotiations.


A. Trustee Jake Rendleman FFA Jacket Presentation

Trustee Rendleman donated his FFA jacket to the John A. Logan Agricultural Wing. He attended Carbondale Community High School from 1955 to 1959 and was Vice President of the local chapter from 1958 to 1959. Hopefully, with the jacket displayed, students may pass by and be encouraged to be part of the FFA and the Agricultural program.

B. Promise Scholarship Program (Attachment A)

Provost Stephanie Hartford spoke about the program. Abby Porter, Manager of Dual Credit and Partnerships, was not able to attend the meeting but provided a video of her explaining the requirements and how it will work, as well as the application process for the Promise Scholarship. The program will be launched in Fall 2025. They will be promoting this to local Superintendents, and there is a website that they are creating for parents, guardians, or high school partners to find out more information on the scholarship program.


A. Chairman's Report

Chairman Bill Kilquist announced that this would be Susan May's last meeting, as she will be retiring in December. He recognized and appreciated everything she had done during her time at JALC. He encouraged everyone that Tuesday, November 5, 2024, was election day and to get out and vote. He reported that he and Becky Borgsmiller had been to Seattle to attend the ACCT Conference. There were discussions on Dual Enrollment, AI, Increasing Retention and Enrollment, the President's

Evaluation, and a Drone program. Trustee Becky Borgsmiller spoke on AI and what she had learned about it. She enjoyed the conference and was proud of John A. Logan College and what they are doing. Dr. Overstreet reported that he had attended a CBE (Competency-Based Education), which is a program that we are in the process of developing. There was a discussion on (OER) Open Education Resources, AI, and cost-effective solutions for our students.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Athletic Director Greg Starrick reported John A. Logan College Baseball, Softball, and Men and Women's Golf teams have completed successful fall sessions. Season tickets for men's and women's basketball are available by contacting JALC Athletics. The Volleyball team finished their regular season with an overall record of 25-7 and a 2nd place finish in conference play with a 15-3 mark.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Jeremy Sargent reported that the C & E Wing (CDB) asbestos abatement has resumed, and construction is progressing well. Many areas of the corridor are open. The steel for the replacement elevator in the West Lobby will be arriving next week, and the construction is to be completed by February 2025. The Baseball/Softball Player Facility is moving forward with most of the concrete poured, and the building will arrive within the next few weeks. Then they will begin the installation.

The West Lobby Expansion Architectural drawings have been issued for construction. The pre-bid will be held on October 9, and the bid opening will be held on November 26. Construction will likely begin in mid-spring.

D. Board Policy Committee

Becky Borgsmiller reported that they met on October 3 and reviewed three Title IX policies, the Retiree return to work policy, and the definition of In-District Residency and Tuition policy. This will be the first reading with the final action at the next meeting.

E. Budget and Finance Committee

No Report

F. Integrated Technology Committee

Subscription is on the agenda to be approved. The implementation of the new HR/Payroll system, ADP. They are continuing with data validation, training, and configuration meetings. Some of the training includes setting up the recruiting and employee onboarding components, which don't exist on our current platform. In the last month, data conversion issues as well as adjusting to functionality and terminology differences between systems have forced some training to be pushed back on our schedules. This puts the project at an elevated risk of not making our January 7th go-live date for all modules. We are still moving forward and will continue to assess the timeline of the project to see if dates need to be adjusted.

The Wireless Access Point Replacement Project at the Du Quoin extension center access points were replaced last week. Smaller pockets of areas will follow as we work to replace all access points by the beginning of the spring 2025 semester.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

No report. But Mandy Little reported she attended the Regional Trustee's meeting at SIC. The discussion was on AI and projects around the area. Jake Rendleman encouraged all board members to attend. It can be beneficial, and you can meet other members and college staff.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

The Foundation Golf Classic was a success hosting 26 teams and bringing in $33,000 in sponsorships. A big thank you to the title sponsors, ULLICO and US Bank. The Foundation staff are making plans for next year's tournament.

Nearly 100 JALC students attended the Subs and Scholarships event. After completing the online scholarship application, they were given a Subway sandwich. The students appreciated the food and the chance to have help on hand to answer their questions regarding the application.

I. Student Trustee

Service Projects- The Thanksgiving food drive will take place from Oct. 30 - Nov. 21. Any food collected will be distributed to JALC students in need. They will be participating in the ICCB Feed the Need food drive. This will be no different from our normal food drive, except participating donation boxes will display an ICCB sticker to show their support.

John A. Logan College's Black Student Association is sponsoring a "Stay in School Drive" on November 7th at Thomas Elementary School from 2-5 pm. They will discuss the importance of education to local youth. To prepare for this event, BSA is asking for personal hygiene and school supply donations to give to the children of Thomas Elementary. These donations are accepted up until Nov. 4th and can be dropped off in the diversity and inclusion office.

Chair Chat – Members of the Student Senate went into chair chat with the hopes of educating faculty and staff on Open Educational Resources (OER) and received great news that many courses are looking into offering OERs for their students.


A. Logan Operational Staff Association

Tracie Zoeller, President of LOSA, shared concerns about fair wages and compensation, and they are still in contract negotiations.


President Kirk Overstreet

Dr. Overstreet reported on the Workforce Summit and asked Scott Wernsman to give a summary of the event. Scott stated that it was sponsored by Man-Tra-Con, an employee agency out of Marion. They focused on Healthcare Businesses and Manufacturer Employers in the Region.

Dr. Overstreet met with SIU President Daniel Mahony and Chancellor Austin Lane about Equity in Higher Education. They discussed Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity and how to increase Equity across the Board.

Aldon Addington donated a third sculpture to John A. Logan College. The new piece was designed to harmonize with the waterfall and will be in the courtyard. There will be a reception in the spring.

Dr. Overstreet stated that he presented at the Cybersecurity Conference in St. Louis by NCEC (National Cybersecurity Education Colloquium) which the Department of Defense runs. The new faculty member, Alex Hayes, attended the conference as well. Dr. Overstreet led the panel on sustaining Cybersecurity in Higher Education and used AI in his presentation.

The college hosted Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi who spoke to students and local laborers about Perkins Grants and what we need to do moving forward. The college had great representation.

Dr. Overstreet reported that he has been named as the Legislative Liaison for the Southern Illinois Region for Community Colleges. He will be the representative for the presidents and our Southern County. They have created a group of Legislative Affairs people across the state so they can be better at Lobbying their Legislation. They have regions that will meet once a month remotely, and twice a year together and then on Lobby Day.

Also, he attended the Arsenic and Old Lace dress rehearsal and the play and said they did a fantastic job. He encouraged everyone to see the plays and musicals when they are on campus.

Academic Affairs

Provost Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford reported that the ACEN Accreditation site visit occurred on October 15, 16, and 17. The ACEN review team found the program commendable and will recommend continued accreditation status to the ACEN board.

Recruitment, Retention, and Community Engagement Activities

John A. Logan College hosted its first parent night with 60 families in attendance. The participants could attend three sessions on topics of Admissions and Getting Started, Dual Credit and Early College, Financial Aid, and Scholarships.

John A. Logan College hosted STEM Day with over 100 high school students. Some activities included a boat regatta in the Fitness Center, chemistry experiments, an escape room, dissections, and more.

John A. Logan College will be hosting Applied Tech Day Friday in November. They are expecting more than 400 students to attend. They will participate in a 13-minute presentation from Applied Technology stations. Also, they will get to tour labs.

John A. Logan College will host virtual information sessions covering financial aid and scholarships.

John A. Logan College hosted a High School Partner's Breakfast attended by school counselors and principals. They highlighted the new Hospitality Management Program and provided information and updates on JALC.

John A. Logan College held a Transfer Fair with 22 transfer institutions in attendance. The college hosted a Not So Scary Halloween and the Fitness Center Pumpkin Plunge with 500-700 children.


Dr. Marilyn Toliver received the 2024 Children's Champion Award from the Illinois Association of Young Children at the Illinois AEYC Growing Futures Conference in Springfield.

Toyin Fox was recognized at the NAACP banquet for her work in bringing events that celebrate diversity to the community.

Business Services Division

Dr. Susan LaPanne, CFO, reported that Risk Management and Purchasing are working on the proposed draft of the upcoming RFQ or RFP related to our insurance broker. This is a contract that is currently held by Tedrick and will be concluding its 5-year term in April. We will be on track to open this engagement up for bid with the goal of completing the process and bringing the proposals back to the Board for approvals in the February/March timeframe.

Bond payments have been made for the debt service related to the 2016B, 2017A, and 2020A bonds. The amount totaled $4,719,733.75, with the total tax revenues to date of $3,141,716.51 and a total anticipated amount of $5,013,66.

Highlights of the Treasurer's Report for August 2024:

Fund 01 - You may recall that Tuition and Fees at this same time in 2023 were significantly under budget and under the prior year. This was related to a delay in billing until the first week of September 2023.

For 2024, tuition and fees were billed and recorded in line with standard timing. As of August 31, there were no tax revenues as our timeline expected. However, we have received approximately 50% of tax revenue as of today with $4,175,678 collected.

In Fund 12, taxes received as of today totaled $1,553,258 which is approximately 60% of the anticipated budget.


A. Personnel

President Overstreet accepted the retirement request of Julia Bedar, Specialist I, effective May 1, 2025.

President Overstreet accepted the resignation from the following: Nicholas Bowen, Academic Advisor, effective October 10, 2024

B. Corrections to 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Academic Calendars

The holiday observations in the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic calendars were revised in accordance with the modified summer schedule and to align with all collective bargaining agreements.


Chairman Kilquist asked if there were any Consent Agenda items the Board would like to pull for further discussion or a separate vote. Hearing none, Consent Agenda Items A – H were presented:

A. Proposed 2026-2027 Academic Calendar

Approved the 2026-2027 academic calendar.

B. Ultrasound Machines for Adult Cardiac Sonography Program

Approved the purchase of two (2) certified refurbished Philips Ultrasound machines.

C. Foundation Campus Grant Purchase Order

Approved the purchase of the furnishings from Stiles Office Solutions.

D. Nutanix Generation Hardware Replacement and Software Subscription

Approved the purchase of Nutanix Hardware Replacement and Nutanix Five-Year Software Subscription.

E. Personnel Action Items (Appendix B)

Approved the employment and ratification of personnel as recommended by President Kirk Overstreet.

F. Expenditure Report

Approved the Expenditure Report for the period ending September 30, 2024

G. Treasurer's and Financial Report

Approved the Treasurer's and Financial Report for the period ending August 31, 2024 H. Regular Meeting Minutes

Approved the minutes of the September 24, 2024, Regular Meeting

Jake Rendleman and Brent Clark moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Consent Agenda Items A – H, as presented.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4368)


A. Board Policy Revisions for First Reading

The Board Policy Committee presented revisions to the following policies to the Board of Trustees for first reading. Policy revisions will be available for employee comment and will be presented to the Board for final action on November 26, 2024.

Board Policy 8317 Title IX

Board Policy 4320 Title IX Policy Prohibiting Sex Discrimination

Board Policy 3364 Title IX for Employees

Board Policy 5113 Retiree Return to Work

Board Policy 7311 Definition of In-District Residency for Tuition & Credit Hour Claim Purposes


Chairman Kilquist said it was desirable to go into closed session in accordance with 5 ILCS 102/2(c).

Mandy Little and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees adjourned into closed session.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4369)

The Board of Trustees was declared in closed session at 8:07 p.m.

The Board of Trustees returned to open session at 8:40 p.m.


Brent Clark and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4370)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
