
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Sesser City Council met Nov. 4

Webp 32

Sesser City Mayor Jason Ashmore | City of Sesser

Sesser City Mayor Jason Ashmore | City of Sesser

City of Sesser City Council met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Sesser City Council was held on Monday, November 5, 2024. It was called to order by Mayor Ashmore at 6:30 PM. Prayer was led by Wayne Shannon. The pledge of allegiance was said, and Mayor Ashmore asked for Veterans to remain standing and thanked them for their service.

Clerk Stacey called the roll--Rose Bochantin--here, Dana Laur—absent, Wayne Shannon--here, Travis Zettler--absent, David Bates--here, Jeff Hamburger--here.

A motion was made by Daviid Bates and 2nd by Rose Bochantin to approve the minutes for the regular October meeting. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #1--TIF

Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF resolution with Rhonda Poston for demolition of a home at 1103 E. Matthew Street. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded Rose Bochantin to the agreement for demolition of the home by the only bidder, Lappin Trucking, in the amount of $6,460.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with Terry Newman for a pole barn construction. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the construction of a pole barn at 104 E. Nettie(instead of a home) and to award TIF funding in the amount of $6,500.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion Carried.

Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement with Darin and Angela Atchison for a building renovation of the fitness center. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Rose Bochantin to approve the TIF agreement with Darin and Angela Atchison to renovate the fitness center in the amount of $20,000.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #1—(not TIF)

Matt Tosh explained the North Street Watermain Improvements Contractor’s pay estimate. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Rose Bochantin to approve the North Street Watermain Improvements DRA Grant #IL55061 Contractor’s pay estimate #1 to Wiggs Excavating in the amount of $133,971.83. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #2

Matt Tosh explained the North Street Watermain Improvements Contractor’s engineering bill. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by David Bates to approve the North Street Watermain Improvements DRA Grant #IL55061 Contractor’s Engineering bill #1 to Brown and Roberts, inc, in the amount of $9,598.90.. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #3

Matt Tosh explained the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase IV design engineering bill #1. A motion was made by Jef Hamburger and seconded by David Bates to approve Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase IV design engineering bill #1 to Brown and Roberts in the amount of $184,894.80. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #4

Matt Tosh explained the Water Systems Improvements Phase III IEPA loan application. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to the Water Systems Improvements Phase III approval of the IEPA loan application and miscellaneous IEPA forms. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #5 (also listed as #7--duplicate listing)

Matt Tosh explained the Watter Systems Improvements Phase III amendment #4. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the resolution #22-2024 for the Water Systems Improvements Phase III amendment #4 to the Engineering agreement with Brown and Roberts. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #6 (also listed as #8—duplicate listing)

Matt Tosh explained the resolution to execute an agreement with Brown and Roberts for Opera House repairs. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by David Bates to pass Resolution #21-2024 to execute the agreement with Brown and Roberts for Opera House repairs. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #9

Mayor Ashmore explained the donation to CASA using Opioid funds. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve a donation to CASA of Franklin County in the amount of $500.00 using the Opioid funds. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #10

Mayor Ashmore explained that the city of Mounds could use the old police car we have. A motion was made by Rose Bochantin and seconded by Wayne Shannon to donate the old white police car to the Mounds police department. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #11

Mayor Ashmore explained a donation to the SV Outdoorsman Club. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve a donation of $250.00 to the SV Outdoorsman Club. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #12

Mayor Ashmore explained the need to transfer TIF funds to the ARPA account for the Elm Street project. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by Rose Bochantin to approve transfer of RIF funds to the ARPA account for the Elm Street project in the amount of $22,338.22. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #13

Mayor Ashmore explained the donation to the Franklin County Edge Program. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve a donation of $500.00 to the Franklin County Edge program. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #14

Mayor Ashmore explained the Change order #2 for the Opera House. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the change order #2 for the Opera House, this was a reduction in cost of $6,330.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #15

Mayor Ashmore explained the DCEO Opera House grant invoice. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the DCEO Opera House Grant invoice payment to Culbertsons Heating and Cooling for final payment in the amount of $12,497.37. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #16

Mayor Ashmore explained the DCEO Opera House grant invoice to DE Martin Roofing. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve the DCEO Opera House Grant invoice to DE Martin Roofing Company Pay estimate #1 in the amount of $46,988.10. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #17

Mayor Ashmore explained the KAC Library construction invoice #3. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by David Bates to approve the KAC library construction invoice #3 in the amount of $1,573.12. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #18

Mayor Ashmore explained the two resolution of support and commitment of local funds. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by David Bates to pass resolution #23-2024 a resolution of support and commitment of local funds for the 2025 CDBG grants. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by Rose Bochantin to pass resolution #24-2024 a resolution of support of the 2025 CDBG grant. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Agenda Item #19

Mayor Ashmore explained the liability insurance. A motion was made by David Bates and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the liability insurance in the amount of $44,850.80. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Attorney Bigler—could not be in attendance this evening.

Mayor Ashmore asked the council to approve payment of the bills and all reports by consent agenda. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and seconded by Rose Bochantin to approve the consent agenda (all reports presented from departments). All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Public comments:


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 PM by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

Adjourned at 7:25 PM
