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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Minooka Planning & Zoning Commission met Dec. 10

Webp 28

Ric Offerman, Village President | Village of Minooka Website

Ric Offerman, Village President | Village of Minooka Website

Village of Minooka Planning & Zoning Commission met Dec. 10 .

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Approval of November 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes

5. Briefing on Village Upcoming Agenda Items

6. Old Business

7. New Business

A) Public Hearing on the question of whether to amend the Minooka zoning ordinance as follows:

• To add crematoria as a conditional use in the B1, B2, and M1 districts.

• To add variance authority for non-residential buildings to exceed height limitations up to fifty feet (50').

• To add anti-monotony standards and requirements for new residential construction.

B) Consideration of proposed Preliminary and Final Plats of Subdivision for the Quiktrip Store No. 7199 Subdivision.

C) Public Hearing and Consideration of Case 2024-10 (QuikTrip) on whether or not to recommend approval of variances from Section 5-13-16 of the Minooka Village Code to permit:

• A commercial pole sign that is eighty feet (80') tall with a total sign face area of four hundred forty-five and ½ square feet (445.5 ft²); and

• A second commercial pole sign with a total sign face area of one hundred and eight square feet (108 ft²); and

• A commercial ground sign that is fourteen feet (14') tall.

D) Public hearing and Consideration of Case 2024-16 (Minooka Community High School) on the question of whether or not to recommend approval of:

• A conditional permitted use for school related purposes; and

• A non-residential building height variance to permit a gym at forty-two feet (42’) tall.

E) Public Hearing and Consideration of Case 2024-17 (Compassionate Care Animal Cremation, LLC) on the question of whether or not to recommend approval of a conditional permitted use for a crematorium at 302 E. Wapella Street, Minooka, Illinois 60447 (M-1 (Manufacturing District)).

8. As Appropriate

9. Public Comment

10. Adjournment
