
North Egypt News

Friday, March 28, 2025

Jefferson County called home by 6 new registered sex offenders as of June 2024

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Rebecca Hooks First Deputy Director of Illinois State Police | Official Website

Rebecca Hooks First Deputy Director of Illinois State Police | Official Website

There were six new registered sex offenders living in Jefferson County in June 2024 compared to the month before, according to the Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry.

The Registry showed 81 sexual offenders living in Jefferson County, compared to 78 the month before. During this period, three offenders left Jefferson County and six moved into the area.

Of the six offenders who moved to Jefferson County in June 2024, three were sexual predators and one was a sexually violent person.

Sexual predators and child murderers remain on the registry for the rest of their lives.

The offenders moving into Jefferson County may have been recently convicted or moved from other cities in the US.

According to a 2024 study by SafeHome.org, Illinois ranks fifth in the total number of registered sex offenders, with more than 34,000 living in the state.

Nationally, the study found over 795,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. as of August 2024 — an increase of approximately 8,000 compared to 2023.

Registered Sex Offenders in Jefferson County as of June 2024

Alfred Mark FischerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Allen Lee DonnellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Alvin GraySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Sex offender registering false info
Amos BakerSexually Violent PersonCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Benjamine StuckeyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantGrooming and Violate sex offender registration
Bernerd Raymond BuchananSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Billy G. SullivanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography and Violate sex offender registration
Billy J. BallardSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Failure to report annually
Brandon ErwinSexually Violent PersonCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Chad M. CarrowSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Violate sex offender registration
Charles A. WebberSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Charles T. CoxSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Christopher W. RiechmanSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Clarence TracySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Cody J. RichardsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Cortez CampbellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Dakota A. OlsonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Damario M. RobinsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Daniel E. KirschSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Daniel N. DrewNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Danny L. AmosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18, Child pornography/film/tape/photo, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school and Violate sex offender registration
Danny Lee RobinsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
David M. BullockSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Dekal Torae JamesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Devin M. MasonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Dickey D. DennisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to report change of address/employment/2nd, Failure to report annually and Failure to report annually/2+
Eric L. YoungSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration
Garland L. SheffSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Gary Joe KingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
George D. WhiteSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Gholam R ValipourSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault and Violate sex offender registration
Harvie WintersSexually Violent PersonCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
James D. PayneSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault and Violate sex offender registration
James D. PhillipsSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
James E HolenkaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Violate sex offender registration
James E. PayneSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt, Indecent solicitation of a child and Sexual exploitation/expose organs
James M. PayneNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantGrooming
James Tyler CrawfordNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17, Violate sex offender regisistration/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Jason E. DonovanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jeffrey M. ShepherdSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Jerry L. MillerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Failure to report a change of address/employment
John E. SharpSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Jon A. BolesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Joshua R. MoyerNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Juan OstiguinSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Larry P. BundySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Leo James WhitlockSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Lindsey N. DeadmondSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Entice a child to remove clothes/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Marshall E. FieldsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
Matthew CannonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Failure to report change of address and Violate sex offender registration act
Michael C. BratcherSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Michael J. McCreerySexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Michael S. GoldmanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated domestic battery
Michael SernaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantFailure to report annually/2+, Indecent solicitation of a child and Violate sex offender registration act
Myles D AllaliSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Violate sex offender registration act
Ralphael RobinsonSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Randy A. JoySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Randy D. BrownSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Reginald H. JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault and Criminal sexual assault/2nd+
Rex L. HulbertSexually Violent PersonCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Criminal sexual assault/cant consent/2nd
Robert D. ClineNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse, Failure to report a change of address/employment, Failure to report annually and Violate sex offender registration
Robert D. FreySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Robert D. HarmonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Robert D. StormentSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <9
Robert GarrettSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Ronald C. GarrisonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Ronald Lyn KluttsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Ryan L. TaylorSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Sean M. TolleySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Shannon D. BoydSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Shon Dean DurbinSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Steven SandersSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Thomas A. SpellSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Thurman Eugene McClainSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/weapon and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Timmesha M HeardSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Violate sex offender registration act
Timothy J. HillSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Criminal sexual assault
Tyrean D S BrooksNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Virgil L. HigginsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to register w/in 5 days of new residence/school, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Wendell R. CooperSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm
William OwensSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Zechariah M HudspathSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault