
North Egypt News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Waltonville Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Nov. 25

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Home of the Spartans | Waltonville Community Unit School District 1 Website

Home of the Spartans | Waltonville Community Unit School District 1 Website

Waltonville Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Nov. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Regular board meeting called to order at 6:15 P.M. Present: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Absent: Lamke.

Motion by Klingler, Seconded by Anderson to go into closed session at 6:15 P.M. for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors, or specific volunteers of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor, or a volunteer of the District or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity, and student discipline. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fassett, Seconded by Klinger to go into open session at 6:42 P.M. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Anderson, Seconded by Kash to approve the consent agenda. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fassett, Seconded by Anderson to approve the FY2024 District Audit presented by Bo Thomas of Glass & Shuffett, LTD. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Kash, Seconded by Klingler to approve the resolution to bar Frank Donovan Jr. from entering onto Waltonville School District #1 property and attending all interscholastic athletic contests and other extracurricular events, whether home or away, without the prior written permission of the Superintendent for a period of one year from November 1, 2024 through and including October 31, 2025. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fassett, Seconded by Osborn to approve the FY2025 Estimated Tax Levy. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fassett, Seconded by Klingler to approve a public hearing to approve the FY2025 Tax-Levy for December 19th, 2024 at 6:15 P.M. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion carried.

Discussion on potential future solar project with AGE. No action taken.

Motion by Kash, Seconded by Osborn to approve the purchase of 73 $75.00 Amazon gift cards for Christmas gifts at a cost of $5475, for all district employees. Yea: Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Abstain: Anderson. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Discussion on potential future project to cover grade school main entrance. No action taken.

Motion by Kash, Seconded by Fassett to approve the overnight stay of High School Boys Basketball Team and Cheerleaders for Riverton shootout, February 15, 2025. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Klinger, Seconded by Osborn to approve the purchase of Grade School Basketball uniforms for the 2025-2026 school year, 30 uniforms at a cost of $5,700. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Klingler, Seconded by Fassett to approve the purchase of High School Basketball uniforms for the 2025-2026 school year, 30 uniforms home/away and 18 alternate uniforms at a cost of $8,580. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

Motion by Klingler, Seconded by Anderson to approve a temporary leave of absence for extracurricular activities for Chad Harper. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.

High School Principal report by Mrs. Szopinski.

Grade School Principal report by Mrs. Walker.

Superintend report by Mr. Denault.

Motion by Anderson, Seconded by Klingler to adjourn at 8:30 P.M. Yea: Anderson, Fassett, Kash, Klingler, Norris, and Osborn. Nay: None. Motion Carried.
