Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District 196 Board Members: Front Row (L-R): Kirk Packer (Vice-President), John Spence (Secretary), Jason Sample (President) Back Row (L-R): Shane Garner, Jennifer Menser, Becky Barry, Clark Lance | Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District #196
Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District 196 Board Members: Front Row (L-R): Kirk Packer (Vice-President), John Spence (Secretary), Jason Sample (President) Back Row (L-R): Shane Garner, Jennifer Menser, Becky Barry, Clark Lance | Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District #196
Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District 196 Board of Education met Dec. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District No. 196 was held in the High School Library at 6:00 PM on Monday, December 9, 2024. The meeting was called to order by President Garner.
Secretary Zimbro called the roll with the following result:
Members Present: Garner, Kirk, Lance, Menser, Packer, Sample, Spence
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: J. Henry, N. Page, K. Jones, L. Zimbro, B. Gunter, R. Payne, T. Masters, R. Towers
Visitors Present: None
SVEA: R. Payne listed activities and projects teachers have participated in over the month, including all the holiday festivities, and shared the staff's appreciation for the PTO's Sunshine Cart visits. Payne noted an issue with the shortage of substitute teachers. Teachers have been internally subbing during their planning period to help cover classes.
LABORERS' LOCAL 773: R. Towers shared events and activities support staff have been involved in and gave special mention of the kitchen staff for their work providing meals for banquets, conferences, and the annual Thanksgiving dinner. Towers recognized Nurse Assistant Gena Petro for her work in keeping the nurses office operating smoothly.
K-8 PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jones presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, upcoming events, and recent activities.
H.S. PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Page presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, upcoming activities, and recent events.
SUPERINTENDENT: Mr. Henry, Superintendent, presented the following information to the board:
1. The consent agenda for this month's meeting includes the following additional item(s):
Approval of a resolution regarding disposition of obsolete school equipment
Approval of the FY25 School Maintenance Program Grant application
Approval of the FY25 3-Year Annual Average Operational Funds Expenditures Report (FY22-24)
Adoption of four tax levy resolutions for 2024
Authorization for the District Superintendent to adjust individual fund levies, not to exceed the Board-approved aggregate tax levy for 2024
2. Following the board's adoption of the Tax Year 2024 levy this evening, the necessary documents will be filed in both Franklin & Jefferson Counties on or before the due date (last Tuesday of December; December 31, 2024).
3. On Monday, December 2, 2024, the district conducted a public bid opening for the FY26-FY28 transportation contract. Two of the three eligible bidders submitted bids, and, based on the initial review, Durham School Services appears to be the low bidder. Mr. Henry is scheduled to meet with Durham officials on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, to go through their bid and begin the contract formation process. He anticipates that a contract will be ready for approval at the regular January, 2025, board meeting. A copy of the bid tabulation sheet and a historical cost analysis was provided.
4. Following the Board's special November 14, 2024, goal-setting meeting, Mr. Henry anticipates the next steps to be (roughly) as follows:
a. IASB compiles information and sends results/report to Board (expected before December 31, 2024)
b. Board considers/approves new District mission statement and goals in thematic areas (2-3 goals in each area; likely in January, 2025)
c. Superintendent, in conjunction with goal-setting participants and other staff members, prepares/presents SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time- Bound) goals under overarching Board goals (~3 months (~2 areas/month); February- April, 2025)
d. Board considers/approves Superintendent-proposed SMART goals (April/May, 2025)
e. Superintendent, in conjunction with goal-setting participants and other staff members, develops implementation/action plan to achieve goals
f. Board/Superintendent monitor progress/completion of implementation/action plans (with revisions as necessary)
A motion was made by Lance and seconded by Spence approving the minutes of the previous meeting: November 12, 2024 (Regular Board Meeting); November 14, 2024 (Special Board Meeting); Treasurer's report; bills in the amount of $362,786.69 and salaries in the amount of $450,683.67; adoption of resolution referencing disposition of obsolete school equipment; approval of Fiscal Year 2025 School Maintenance Program Grant; approval of 3-Year Annual Average Operational Funds Expenditures Report (FY22-24); adoption of a resolution authorizing final aggregate tax levy for year 2024; adoption of a resolution authorizing tax levy for fire prevention safety, energy conservation, disabled accessibility, school security and specified repair purposes for year 2024; adoption of a resolution authorizing tax levy for tort immunity for year 2024; adoption of a resolution authorizing tax levy for special education purposes for year 2024; authorization for District Superintendent to adjust individual fund levies, not to exceed Board approved aggregate tax levy for 2024, as presented.
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Garner, Kirk, Lance, Menser, Packer, Sample, Spence
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
a motion was made by Spence and seconded by Kirk to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing the following exceptions to the Open Meetings Act:
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93- 57)
b. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning the salary schedule for one or more classes of employees (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Garner, Kirk, Lance, Menser, Packer, Sample, Spence
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
RECONVENE FROM CLOSED SESSION: At 6:53 PM, a motion was made by Menser and seconded by Packer to reconvene from closed session.
Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared the motion carried.
MOTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEE RESIGNATION(S) AND/OR RETIREMENT(S): A motion was made by Lance and seconded by Menser to acknowledge the following employee resignation(s) and/or retirement(s):
Special Education Aide: Jade McFarland (effective November 29, 2024)
District Nurse: Michelle Hamm (effective November 15, 2024)
Associate Head Football Coach: Mike Rude (effective November 14, 2024)
Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Kirk and seconded by Spence to adjourn.
Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54 PM.,%202024,%20BdMtgMin.pdf