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C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Jan. 10

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C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District | Facebook

C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District | Facebook

C. E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Jan. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM by President Amanda Crider. Those present were President Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, Sharon Yearwood, Director Bill Pixley, and Assistant Director Esther Curry.

Audience to Visitors: None

Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was previously presented to the board members. As there were no additions or corrections to the minutes, Sharon Yearwood made a motion to accept the November 12, 2024 minutes. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0 by voice vote.

Correspondence: Director Pixley received a letter from Community First Bank stating that the term for one of the library’s CDs is ending, so a decision needs to be made about whether to reinvest. Director Pixley plans to make an appointment with Jason Newell at Community First Bank to discuss investment options. He would like to include Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, and Assistant Director Curry in that meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Metcalf gave the following report:

First Community Bank

General Operating Fund $ 799,367.00

Working Cash Fund 199,942.00

Special Reserve Fund 2,280,507.00

TOTAL $ 3,279,816.00

Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the November bills. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood voted in favor of the motion. ROLL CALL #1 was approved 6-0. Director’s Report: President Crider highlighted that Director Pixley gave a talk about the library at the Deaconess Lunch N Learn event.

Staff Reports: The Junior department had 65 in attendance for Family Reading Night.

Report of Officers:

President: None.

Treasurer: None.

Standing Committees:

Finance: None.

Personnel: Hannah Greever made a motion to accept the minutes from the November Personnel Committee Meeting. Amanda Crider seconded the motion. The motion was approved 2-0 by voice vote. Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the Personnel Committee’s recommendation for the new Director’s salary. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood voted in favor of the motion. ROLL CALL #2 was approved 6-0.

Policy: None.

Bldg and Grounds: None.

Community Relations: None.

Special Committees:

Concept Design Committee: None.

Annex Committee: Sharon Yearwood made a motion to approve the November report and minutes from the Annex Committee. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion was approved 3-0 by voice vote. Sharon Yearwood made a motion to approve the December report and minutes from the Annex Committee. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. The motion was approved 3-0 by voice vote.

Illinois Heartland Library System: None

Shakespeare Foundation: Bob Metcalf reported that the account value has reached more than $987,000. Appeal letters for the foundation went out this week.

Unfinished Business: 1. Library Expansion: President Crider spoke with Reece Rutland about his role in the library expansion project moving forward. Reece may be willing to help in the future with grant writing at a reduced cost, but he will not be able to commit to being the fundraiser for the project. He suggested inquiring with Centralia Library about who filled their fundraiser role.

New Business: 1. Per Capita Grant: Hannah Greever made a motion to approve the Per Capita Grant. Linda Woodrome seconded the motion. Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood voted in favor of the motion. ROLL CALL #3 was approved 6-0.

2. Annual Report of Receipts and Disbursements: Linda Woodrome made a motion to accept the Annual Report of Receipts and Disbursements. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood voted in favor of the motion. ROLL CALL #4 was approved 6-0.

3. Approval of Assistant Director Job Description: Linda Woodrome made a motion to approve the Assistant Director Job Description. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0 by voice vote.

4. Approval of the purchase of a new copier for 2nd floor: Hannah Greever made a motion to approve the purchase of a new copier. Sharon Yearwood seconded the motion. Amanda Crider, Hannah Greever, Holly Johnson, Bob Metcalf, Linda Woodrome, and Sharon Yearwood voted in favor of the motion. ROLL CALL #5 was approved 6-0.

Closed Session: None.

Adjournment: Linda Woodrome made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Hannah Greever seconded the motion. The motion was approved 6-0 by voice vote. President Crider adjourned the meeting at 7:46 PM.
