BCHS Faculty and Staff showed their support for our friends and colleagues at Ham Co High School | Benton Consolidated High School District 103
BCHS Faculty and Staff showed their support for our friends and colleagues at Ham Co High School | Benton Consolidated High School District 103
Benton Consolidated High School District 103 Board of Education met Jan. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of the Benton Consolidated High School District #103 met in Regular Session on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:30 P.M. in the District Board Room. President, Mark Minor called the meeting to order.
Aaron Lewis opened in prayer and Stacia Sloan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present: Mark Minor, President; Marci Glover, Secretary; Robin LaBuwi, Stacia Sloan, Jay Copple, Mitch Bennett and Shane Cockrum.
Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Sean Docherty, Principal; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; Kenise Head, Recording Secretary; Jennie Ren and Cole Buchanan, Student Council Representatives; Visitors: Amy Kolodziej, Aaron Lewis, Craig Garner, Lacey Hagerman and Mark Graves.
Youth and Government sponsors Lacey Hagerman and Craig Garner spoke on behalf of the program.
• Craig Garner thanked BCHS and the opportunity to teach here.
Mark Graves, with OMNI Energy Partners, presented information concerning performance contractors and explained the Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
6.1 Appointment/Compensation/Discipline/Performance of Personnel
6.2 Collective Bargaining
Robin LaBuwi made the motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, and Performance of Personnel and Collective Bargaining matters. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
The Board; Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; and Kenise Head, Recording Secretary entered into an Executive Session in the executive board room at 5:57 P.M.
Open Session - The Board reconvened in an Open Session at 7:29 P.M. Marci Glover, Secretary called the roll. Answering present: Mark Minor - yes, Shane Cockrum - yes, Jay Copple - yes, Stacia Sloan- yes, Robin LaBuwi - yes, Mitch Bennett - yes and Marci Glover - yes.
Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Sean Docherty, Principal; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; Kenise Head, Recording Secretary; Jennie Ren and Cole Buchanan, Student Council Representatives; Visitors: Amy Kolodziej and Aaron Lewis.
7.1 Approve Minutes: Regular Board Meeting Minutes, December 19, 2024
Executive Board Meeting Minutes, December 19, 2024
Tax Levy Hearing (Truth in Taxation) Minutes, December 19, 2024
7.2 Approve Financial Report (December 2024)
7.3 Approve Payment of Bills (December 2024)
7.4 Review/Approve Final Reading Board Policy Updates Issue 117
Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, board members voted as follows: Shane Cockrum - yes, Mitch Bennett - yes, Marci Glover - yes, Robin LaBuwi - yes, Jay Copple - yes, Stacia Sloan - yes, and Mark Minor - yes. Motion carried. A copy of Board Policy Issue 117 has been attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Mr. Johnson commented on the following:
School publication, Inside the Corral, has been sent to mailboxes as of Jan 15. Please send article ideas for the spring issue.
Board members are invited to the January 31st Career Day event being coordinated by Dr.
Martin. Would also like to give thanks to People's National Bank for sponsoring the day. Fall enrollment update - 605
Recent update on Title IX regulations due to US District Court strike down. New policies to approve in the coming months.
BCHS has conducted 5 e-learning days, as well as used 1 emergency day. There should be an amended calendar to approve at the February board meeting.
Benton Country Club agreement proposal.
Mr. Docherty provided a written report.
Mr. Garner shared a monthly athletic newsletter to staff and board members emails.
9.1 Approval of Activity Account Expenditure Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve an activity account expenditure paying Shane Garner for Girls Christmas Tourney Director. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
10.1 Approve MOU to Add Coaching Positions Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve the MOU adding coaching positions as presented. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
10.2 Assignment of Personnel Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve David Cozby for Musical - Chorus for the 2024-25 school year. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Mitch Bennett made a motion to approve Chris Blady for Musical - Sound/Lights for the 2024- 25 school year. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Stacia Sloan made a motion to approve Macy Costellia for Colorguard Head Coach for the 2024- 25 school year. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Jay Copple made a motion to approve Lauren Johnson for Assistant Pom Pon Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, members voted as follows: Jay Copple - yes, Shane Cockrum - yes, Mark Minor - yes, Stacia Sloan - abstain, Marci Glover - yes, Robin LaBuwi - yes, and Mitch Bennett - yes. Motion carried.
Jay Copple made a motion to approve Makala Bishop for Assistant Cheer Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve Brian Blades for Assistant Softball Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Stacia Sloan seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve James Kowzan for Assistant Softball Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Stacia Sloan seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve Justin Groves for Assistant Girls Basketball Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Robin LaBuwi seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Stacia Sloan made a motion to approve Lucas Roberts for Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve Amy Kolodziej for Volunteer Assistant Girls Track Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Stacia Sloan made a motion to approve Christy Ritchason for Volunteer Assistant Girls Track Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Robin LaBuwi seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve Bob Sloan for Volunteer Assistant Girls Track Coach for the 2024-25 school year. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve Jeremy Richardson for Bass Fishing Sponsor for the 2024-25 school year. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve Trystan Akin as a student custodial worker as needed for the 2024-25 school year. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
10.3 Employment of Personnel
10.4 Review/Approve Posting of Open Positions
10.5 Review/Approve Graduation Date and Time Mitch Bennett made a motion to approve the graduation date and time as May 17, 2025 at 4 PM. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
10.6 Review/Approve Curriculum/Course Additions Jay Copple made a motion to approve Sewing and Forestry as new courses for the 2025-2026 school year. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
10.7 Review/Approve E-Learning Plan Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve the district e- learning plan as presented. Stacia Sloan seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
10.8 Review/Approve Rice Sullivan, LLC Financial Audit Agreement Jay Copple made a motion to approve the 3-year Financial Audit Agreement with Rice Sullivan, LLC. Robin LaBuwi seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. A copy of this agreement has been attached to and made a part of these minutes.
10.9 Review/Adopt Resolution to Support Illinois Vision 2030 Jay Copple made a motion to approve the Resolution to Support Illinois Vision 2030. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. A copy of this Resolution has been attached to and made a part of these minutes.
10.10 Review/Approve Classification of Executive Board Minutes The executive board minutes from July 2024 - December 2024 have been reviewed and the need for confidentiality continues to exist, therefore, Jay Copple made a motion to continue to classify the executive board minutes as confidential. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
Stacia Sloan commended teachers and students for their work during the e-learning days.
12. ADJOURNMENT Robin LaBuwi made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 P.M. Jay Copple seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.