Mike Brozovich, Board President | Minooka Community High School District 111 Website
Mike Brozovich, Board President | Minooka Community High School District 111 Website
Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Feb. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Meeting was called to order at 6:31 P.M. by Board Vice President Pokey Squires.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Pokey Squires, Emanuel Lowe, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Karla Gunter, Jake Page
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jonathan Edwards
Visitors present: Joni Page
President’s Comments:*The Class of 2025 Chili supper was held on February 7th. Mrs. Wilson and her 8th-grade students worked very hard to make the chili supper a success. Thank you to all involved.
*Spring Break will be March 10-14, 2025.
*Volleyball is doing very well this year and regionals are the week of March 18th.
*Archery will begin soon and their State Tournament is March 22nd.
*Spring concert will be Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Visitors comments: Joni Page wanted to pass along that she had many compliments from her family about the positivity of Ewing Grade School students at the talent show.
Consent Agenda MOTION by Caleb Suver to approve the Consent agenda. A. Approve minutes of the regular meeting January 23, 2025. B. Approve to pay bills. C. Accept the
Treasurers Report as presented. 2nd by Pokey Squires. 6 ayes (Ryan Skibo, Karla Gunter, Pokey Squires, Emanuel Lowe, Jake Page, Caleb Suver).
Set Dates MOTION by Pokey Squires to approve the annual Breakfast with the Board date as May 16th at 8:15am at Burton’s Café. 2nd by Ryan Skibo. 6 ayes (Karla Gunter, Emanuel Lowe, Jake Page, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Pokey Squires).
Chromebooks MOTION by Pokey Squires to approve spending $35,000 on Chromebooks for the 2025-2026 school year. 2nd by Caleb Suver. 6 ayes (Karla Gunter, Emanuel Lowe, Jake Page, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Pokey Squires).
Trash Services MOTION by Karla Gunter to approve switching trash companies with the lowest bid, with nothing longer than a one-year contract. 2nd by Ryan Skibo. 6 ayes
(Karla Gunter, Emanuel Lowe, Jake Page, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Pokey Squires).
Executive Session: MOTION by Pokey Squires to go into Executive Session to discuss: A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2© (1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057. 2nd by Ryan Skibo. 6 ayes. (Pokey Squires, Caleb Suver, Jake Page, Emanuel Lowe, Karla Gunter, Ryan Skibo). Time in: 7:11pm.
MOTION by Pokey Squires to exit Executive Session and return to Regular Session. 2nd by Jake Page. 6 ayes. (Pokey Squires, Caleb Suver, Jake Page, Emanuel Lowe, Karla Gunter, Ryan Skibo). Time out: 8:45pm.
Super/Principal Evaluation MOTION by Pokey Squires to approve the Superintendent and Principal Evaluation of Kristin Ing. 2nd by Caleb Suver. 6 ayes (Pokey Squires, Emanuel Lowe, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Jake Page, Karla Gunter).
Personnel MOTION by Pokey Squires to hire Lukas Wilson as the assistant Track Coach for the 2024-2025 school year. 2nd by Ryan Skibo. 6 ayes (Pokey Squires, Emanuel Lowe, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Jake Page, Karla Gunter).
Resignation MOTION by Pokey Squires to accept the resignation of Mallory McClerren as the 2nd Grade Teacher at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. 2nd by Emanuel Lowe.6 ayes (Pokey Squires, Emanuel Lowe, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Jake Page, Karla Gunter).
Adjourn: MOTION by Pokey Squires to adjourn the February 18, 2025 Board meeting at 8:49pm. 2nd by Emanuel Lowe. 6 ayes (Pokey Squires, Emanuel Lowe, Ryan Skibo, Caleb Suver, Jake Page, Karla Gunter).